Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Donald Trump's Co-Defendant Needs Support

Now that Donald Trump has made his list of contributions to Veterans Associations public, what does he plan to do with all of his supporters who were promised to have their legal fees paid, for any issues caused during his rallies?

On February 1, 2016, at a rally in Iowa, Donald Trump came under fire from a mysterious flying tomato. Is was at this moment that Donald Trump urged his supporters to beat up anyone who looked like they may be getting ready to throw tomatoes. Donald Trump said, “Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise. I promise. They won’t be so much, because the courts agree with us too — what’s going on in this country.”

On February 22, 2016, Donald Trump said, “I’d like to punch him in the face,” when protesters interrupted his rally in Las Vegas.  At this particular rally, he also spoke of how he missed the good old days when protesters would have been “carried out on a stretcher”.

On March 9, 2016, at a Trump Campaign rally in North Carolina, a protester and a supporter clashed causing the protester to allegedly be “sucker punched” in the face.  Donald Trump stood up for John McGraw, a supporter of Trump.  McGraw was charged with assault after he allegedly punched the protester, Rakeem Jones. While Trump did not condone the violence, he did say that Jones “was very taunting, he was very loud, very disruptive, and from what I understand he was sticking a certain finger up in the air.” Trump went on to say in an interview, "I want to see. The man got carried away, he was 78 years old, he obviously loves his country, and maybe he doesn't like seeing what's happening to the country." It was at this point that Trump stated, "I want to see the full tape. But I don't condone violence," Trump said, adding of McGraw's legal fees, "I've actually instructed my people to look into it, yes."

A week prior, on March 1, 2016, Alvin Bamberger, a 75 year old senior citizen, attended one of Trump rallies that proceeded to get out of control. Bamberger, a veteran of the Korean War, was proudly wearing his Korean War Veteran Association hat, T-shirt and jacket. He arrived at the venue early to ensure he would get a good seat. At 75 years old, he was knocked down to the ground when the protesters rushed the stage. The crowd next to him was full of supporters and protesters pushing and shoving each other, and in a heated frenzy, after being pushed down to the ground himself, he pushed a young woman down the aisle, towards the exit after Trump repeated over and over “Get them out, Get them out.”

Alvin Bamberger is now being sued by some of the protesters and has reached out for help. He started a campaign on www.FundedJustice.com, a crowdfunding platform specific to those who need money to pay for legal fees. His current funding goal is $15,000, the money he will need to defend himself against the protesters in court. You can find his campaign here.

With all of these issues of violence, and after Donald Trump has said that he will pay the legal fees of anyone who is defending him from the protesters, should he be held accountable? Or should he be able to take the stance that he took on March 16, where he denied offering to pay legal fees.  His stance has wavered after he was informed that paying the legal fees, may send the message that he condones the violence occurring at his rallies. Either way he goes, every community is hoping for peaceful, nonviolent rallies, as we get closer and closer to Mr. Trump starting over with rallies as he is named the official Republican Presidential Candidate. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Bring Frankie Home

For more information, please visit https://www.fundedjustice.com/en/projects/30501-Please-help-Frankie-come-home--he-needs-our-help

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Justice for Christopher

A little background.

Chris attempted suicide in March of his 6th-grade years and the end of August of his 7th-grade year. Chris was put on homebound for part of all his middle school years. When he got out of the hospital the last time he said, “Mom I didn’t really want to die, I just wanted someone to save me from the bullies.”
The bullying continued and was not addressed. His doctor pulled him out each time and the last time was in October of his 8th grade year 2015. He has been on homebound since that time, receiving only 3 hours a week of instruction from the public school system, where his peers have gotten 38 hours a week.
Chris being homebound for so long and over multiple occasion spanning 3 years it has severely hampered Christopher’s educational development, Christopher’s self-esteem and sense of personal dignity have suffered tremendously as well.” He has lost all of his 8th-grade education, yet the system will push him into high school where he will never catch up. He feels unsafe in that school setting and gets upset when we even discuss him going back.
The system has also failed to provide some services as required by law like occupational therapy that has been in his IEP since grade school.
In a system that says no child left behind, mine has been left behind.
I want the district to make changes to its special education program. “Clearly, the damage done to Chris are immeasurable,”
I have hired an attorney but need help to pay for the attorney to fight the system for Chris.

Chris is a bright 14-year-old with Asperger’s who created a Superhero Captain Spectrum to teach kids not to bully. With a motto, “Defend and Be a Friend.” Visit his characters Facebook page to learn more about Chris.
With an IEP on the horizon, I need to move fast. 
His attorney will not continue until we pay the fees, I understand he cannot work for free.
I am fighting for my child's education, his future, and his life.
I am grateful for any amount donated to help us get through this period of our lives.



This page is dedicated to yet another individual in our society who has been maliciously and outrageously persecuted with false allegations. James Ball woke up one morning in his uncle’s house in North Carolina to find his loving uncle shot in the side of the head. James and his uncle William Ball were very close and visited one another frequently. James was devastated and mortified the morning that he woke up, and when he saw William he called the authorities right away.  As you can imagine this would be a very traumatic and confusing situation.
Originally the police ruled the shooting as a suicide and released James from custody. William had several factors going on in his life which made suicide very plausible, but after constant pleading and threatening behavior by William’s adopted daughter, who also has a son in law enforcement, the police retracted their original statement. After amending their statement, the police then concocted a ridiculous case against James in order to obtain an arrest warrant.  James went to visit his parents in Canada to both support and console them over William’s death.  James already had plans to go visit his parents prior to the untimely and unfortunate death of his uncle, but now had even more reason and desire to be close to family during this time.  The police used James’ shock and disbelief of the situation against him and made false claims that James had fled to Canada to escape.
The truth is that James stuck around the area for an entire week before leaving.  He checked in with the police periodically and was compliant during every part of their investigation. It wasn’t until James decided to go visit his parents that the police put out an arrest warrant for him. He was arrested at the port of entry into Canada.  He was escorted to jail in front of a destroyed mother and father with tears running down their faces and no one knowing why things were happening the way they were.  The authorities leaked sensitive and confidential information to North Carolina news stations, spreading lies and rumors that James had been trying to “flee” the country.  James did not flee and was 100% cooperative with law enforcement after the incident took place.  Then once he had been cleared of suspicion and charge, he resumed his schedule to go visit his parents in Canada, which was a week later.
After spending 5+ grueling months in a Canadian prison, James courageously decided to waive his rights and has, by his own accord, came back into the United States to face the false charges against him. He wants nothing more than to be with his family and help authorities see the truth, unfortunately, they don’t want nor care to listen and pursue a more thorough investigation.  The original arresting officers also happened to be the same officers who picked James up to bring him back to North Carolina, where he is now being detained.  During the drive to the penitentiary, both officers harassed and taunted James, telling him his life was over, that he was scum and needed to confess.  This cruel treatment of an already tortured soul should be illegal and punishable by law.  If these are the officers upholding the “law” in North Carolina, then I have very little faith in their ability to make sound decisions and proper (fair) judgments.
James is a loving father, son and dedicated cuisine chef. He has a heart of gold and always puts his family first. This campaign is dedicated to him and to bring light into a very dark and twisted situation. Unfortunately, it is just another case of an out of control judicial system where you are, in fact, guilty until proven innocent.  An innocent life is on trial because some have been unable to protect the true innocents.  Please help us in both prayers and in raising the money needed in order to show to those that matter that James is also a victim in this double tragedy.  The truth is rarely sought after because it is either a hard journey or a person would rather turn a blind eye to the situation.  Neither is acceptable in this case and we ask that you take a moment to reflect on the situation and what you would do if it was someone you loved who was being held accountable for a crime they did not commit.  There is additional information that has been released to the immediate families, information we feel should help prove James’ innocence, however, in respect for the investigation and all those involved, that information cannot be shared at this time.  Thank you for your time and for your gracious contribution towards this cause.
Here is a letter from James Ball’s parents
  As a parent and being faced with such terrible injustice being thrown at our son; how do we begin to explain our pain? Here we are “retired” and ready to start another journey in our life which was filled with joy and happiness having raised two loving and caring sons and then “WAM” hit with such terrible and horrific accusations. Please; don’t ever think that this cannot happen to you because we were naïve enough to believe in the justice system and the wonderful phrase of “innocent until proven guilty”; but believe this that it is only a myth; a wonderful saying with no concrete value.
  Here we are now living on retirement money and trying to desperately rescue a loving and caring young man “Our Son” from being sent away for the rest of his life for a crime he did not commit. We need professional help; where do we go; how do we afford it; Oh dear lord what do we do?
  Our son is being wrongly accused and having such limited knowledge of how the law works and such a limited amount of funds; how do we succeed successfully in rescuing an innocent man from predators that can’t see nor do they try to seek the real truth of what really happened to my brother “Billy”.
  James is a loving, caring and an honorable young man whom is incapable of committing such a horrific act. Trying to do the right thing turned into a nightmare. After breaking up with his common law wife and being separated from his son he was devastated. He flew to Arizona to spend time with his brother. There was a pending ticket in North Carolina so he flew back to make things right. We were to pick him up from Billy’s to bring him back to Canada for a while. After Billy called his brother “Danny” and told him of James arriving there safely they decided to have a BBQ and some drinks. James went to bed early due to jet lag setting in and he was very tired. When he got up the next day the never ending nightmare began. James loved his uncle; this whole thing is so sick; we as a family have not even had time to grieve properly. Please help our son; in the name of justice, they are ruining his life.

 Read More Here: https://www.fundedjustice.com/en/projects/26890-LOVING-FAMILY-RIPPED-APART-BY-DOUBLE-TRAGEDY

One Way Trip to Humboldt County Eureka, California

Legal funds are needed for my son Joshua Benjamin Bailey who has no criminal record, and is held captive in the Humboldt County Correctional Facility. In early June of 2015 Josh was arrested and charged with misdemeanor​s and released. The next day the District Attorney changed Josh's charges to felonies, based on his opinion. The bail was set at $155,000. ​At first, Josh thought it was all a mistake and he would be released. ​He spent a month in Super Max “the hole” 23 ½ hours a day in a small cell.​​ Many people spend their entire stay in “the hole”. In jail,​ ​people lose freedom, dignity, sanity, and rights that we often take for granted. ​”Innocent until proven guilty” is an intangible concept for those without money.​​ Public defenders are over worked and have little time for their clients. The Judge starts the timer for a fair and speedy trial, when trial confirmation​​ begins.​​ Josh’s timer finally began eight months after he was incarcerated. A week before the two months ended, Josh was brought to court and asked by the judge to waive his rights to a fair and speedy trial. During Josh’s ten months of incarceration the judge had never conversed with him, and still did not know his side of the story. She asked Josh if he understood her request. Josh did not understand what the consequences of agreeing with the Judge would mean and worried that giving up his rights may keep him imprisoned forever. As he stood before the judge in shackles, in a full court room, with no prior warning or explanation, Josh answered, “I do not understand”. ​The Judge​ asked two more times before she suspended his case and ordered that he be seen by a psychiatrist​,​ ​​to establish his competency to stand trial and possibly be sent back to the state hospital​,​ ​where​​ months before she had​ him​ committed to a ​psychiatric ​program, ​to be tested for competency​ and trained to understand the court process. ​With his case suspended, he was no longer on the clock and until the judge reopened his case, Josh's rights to a "fair and speedy trial" were on hold and the timer would only be restarted after the judge reopened his case and after "trial confirmation" reoccurred. This meant starting over, not picking up where he had left off.  ​Josh’s rights to a fair and speedy trial was controlled by using loop holes and methods to keep him incarcerated and in a holding pattern indefinitely. Josh and 1,000's of others in the USA are trapped in a system that sees them as numbers and uses them for revenue. ​Josh is my Son and this is his story. . . . ​
In January of 2015 my son Joshua Benjamin Bailey left his job at FedEx Ground, sold his car, and motorcycle to pay for a trip by train, to meet with his older brother Alex in California. His trip would take him to the Redwood Forest and the coastal city of Eureka. His plan was to find a place to live, a job to support himself, and eventually return to school to complete a Bachelor’s degree. In this beautiful setting, Josh was shocked to discover more racism and hate group activity than he had ever experienced in his life. ​Josh found that amidst the natural beauty of this quaint setting, that Meth and Heroin use had reached epidemic levels. The homeless and drug addicted population had created a criminal environment.​ ​His home in ​​Rochester, New York now seemed like a lost and distant paradise.
As a young bi-racial man, Josh was already very familiar with being questioned by law enforcement, but in Humboldt County it was far more frequent. Shortly after his arrival, Josh’s backpack was stolen. This was the first of many criminal encounters. Josh had purchased a used bicycle to get around to look for housing and work. He was stopped by the police and informed that there was a report that he had stolen a bike. Josh was able to prove ownership, but the police still detained and questioned him. The bicycle situation did not end there, Josh was blocked from housing by a rental company that claimed that they knew he was a thief and had stolen a bike. No explanation mattered, including a call from me.​ ​Since Josh was having a difficult time finding housing, I did some research and began making calls. I found a place similar to a hostel setting. I called to inquire and mentioned my concerns about racism because of what Josh had been going through. The man on the phone replied, “Oh yah, we have a room with Coloreds”.​ I don't remember exactly how I responded; ​I was shocked, and then I had a better understanding of what my son was facing.
Josh had to run for his life many times, while living in Humboldt County, while ​being threatened because of his race, he was told that he should be lynched, and was called the "N" word daily!  On one occasion​while walking the trails, Josh came upon a place he later learned was known as the "Devils Playground”. Josh was attacked by a gang with knives, chains, and rocks, while being taunted and threatened. Josh went to the police and filed a report, and the police drove him back to the scene​ ​where he was able to point out the group. His bike was recovered and one person was arrested. The rest of his belongings​​ were not recovered. Josh was confronted to some degree every time he was in public. On one occasion he was stopped by the police​ ​shortly after shopping, because it was reported that a "Black" man of his description had stolen a case of drinking water. He was questioned and released.​ Josh was arrested for “looking” at a fire truck parked outside, because a firefighter thought he may intend to vandalize it. Josh did nothing more than stop briefly to take a look. The judge threw out the case, but it was becoming more and more difficult to be out in public.  
​I was concerned so I called the police department and spoke with a female officer. She was on the phone with me for at least thirty minutes. I briefly explained the situation and she expressed extreme​alarm for Josh’s safety in Humboldt County. She shared that it was so bad in the area that there were some things she could not talk about. She said that whatever it took, I should get Josh out of Humboldt County and warned that if he did not leave something very bad would happen. She also said that he was at risk of being arrested and then he would be trapped in the system for a very long time. ​As she predicted, it all came true. 
On June 6, 2015, Josh was ​​sitting outside, when one of two guys walking by said to other, “Look at the dirty nigger. He doesn’t belong here”. As they walked on by the taunting dialog continued. Shortly after, one of the guys returned to continue the abusive badgering. A physical altercation occurred between Josh and the one guy who had returned. They ended the exchange and parted ways, but Josh was arrested because of two women entered the scene after the situation had escalated.​ ​The exchange had only lasted minutes, however Josh was arrested, charged with misdemeanor​s, and released the same day. I was horrified to learn that the District​ ​Attorney​ ​had changed Josh’s charges to kidnapping and added two more serious felonies.​ ​​It is not unusual for DA’s to elevate charges and later reduce them as though they are offering a favor, while threatening a long prison sentence. I am certain that if a study was done on those who have accepted plea bargains, it would show that people admit to crimes they did not commit.​ ​Exaggerated charges that are seemingly graciously reduced become welcomed. ​Because of the threats from the DA, and I assume are supported by the judge.​These threats include prison time and life labeled as a FELON! ​This is not a unique situation. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of helpless people sitting in jails, subjected to inhumane conditions, agreeing to felony offers that ruin their lives, ​and become caught in a system designed to cycle them in and out of incarceration, all ​because they cannot afford a​n​ ​attorney​.​ ​As painful as it is to remain in jail, Josh has chosen to go to trial, so that he can hopefully clear his name. His decision has been met with threats of long imprisonment, followed by parole. Josh still does not know when his clock will start again, insuring his right to a  ​”fair and speedy trial”. After all this time the judge and district attorney still do not know Josh's side of the story. That is how the system is set up. The judge and district attorney have indicated to the public defender that they believe that Josh is guilty. This determination is based solely on the reports that were filed. One report was from a close friend of Josh's who has turrets syndrome, multiple personalities, and schizophrenia.​ HIs friend is a ward of the state.​ It would not be possible for him (Robert, Rob, or Bob) to give a report unless he was led through the process. The Public Defender has only shared with the court that Josh has no criminal record, that he has his ​​associates in applied science degree, and other information provided by me that would support his  ​good character. Most cases never go to trial because of the great expense.​​ The court will try to coerce Josh to accept a plea bargain instead of going to trial. Based on Josh’s criminal free record the court had offered to drop all charges accept one felony with no strike and three years felony probation. ​They considered this a generous offer even though Josh would still be a Felon after completion. ​If Josh accepted the offer, the expectation would be to live in Humboldt County where Josh was unable to find work or housing prior to being jailed, due to the racist, criminal, hate group infested environment, but now he would be expected to do so as a FELON. ​He would constantly be at risk of being accused of breaking rules by law enforcement, which would send him back to jail. Jail is not designed for long term incarceration, yet it is used for that purpose. ​​Josh does know that the court’s intention is to send him to prison for a number of years. He has seen it happen during his time there, and he has heard the concern from his public defender. Please get the word out. ​Once again, Josh and 1,000’s of others in the USA are trapped in a system that sees them as numbers and uses them as revenue. Please share with others and get the word out.
Thank you! Veronica Kiereck


Justice for Bryant

     All lives matter. Our children's lives matter. Bryant T. Ellis matters.
     When Bryant was ten years old he was accused, charged and convicted of 1st degree rape with no attorney ever being appointed. This clear violation of his constitutional rights set in motion a chain of events that has led to 3 felonies, 115 days in jail, almost 3 years on probation, being ostresized at school and eventually expelled and being removed from his legal custodial parent for the last 14 months.
     Every Constitutional right this young man has concerning due process, the right to be presumed innocent, the right to a fair trial in front of imartial judge, the right to a fair bond or release hearing have been wantonly and systematically violated by law enforcement and judicial court officials.
      My son had goals. He wanted to graduate from the high school with his friends that I took him to for orientation. He wanted to accomplish and show me he could do what I didn't. I applaud him for that. Up to now, this experiance has been denied to him. So I am asking all you people please help in setting this right so this young man can have a future. Our whole story is also posted in our pages on facebook #JusticeforBryant and M.A.M Minors Also Matter as well as goals.
        Thank you all and God Bless,
          Scott Ellis and Bryant Ellis


McGuire Family Defense Fund - Bundy Ranch

My name is Micah McGuire. I am currently being detained as a political prisoner in the government's quest to make an example of people like me, who were exercising their first amendment rights, in protest of the federal government's ownership of 95% of land in the western United States.
I am asking for help from every patriotic American who stands for the constitution and justice.
The charges I am being faced with are significant. And if I am unable to properly defend myself, in a court of law, it will leave my loving wife and wonderful three children without means to support themselves; and without the father they love.
The charges against me have absolutely no merit. I am charged in aiding interstate extortion, and that I was a gunman who threatened, impeded, intimidated, interfered with, assaulted and extorted federal law enforcement officers.
This is absolutely untrue, as I conducted myself during the protest in a completely lawful manner.
My only crime is exercising my first amendment rights.
I was motivated to show up in Nevada at the Bundy Ranch in response to a video I saw of protestors not being allowed to peacefully assemble, and protest against the federal government.
After seeing the rights of the protestors being violated, I myself showed up to support the right to peacefully assemble and join the protest against the federal government, owning and occupying land within states they are not constitutionally allowed to own.
My heart was moved by what I saw. And I traveled to the protest site to see for myself what was happening.
My only crime is standing in opposition in a civil and lawful manner against federal control of land they are not authorized to own.
At no point did I ever interfere with law enforcement officers, nor did I ever brandish a weapon in any way.  At no point, did I draw a weapon against any person or government agent. The only weapon used that day was a prayer, that no-one would be hurt that day.
I am asking for your help, with lawyers and financial aid for my family. My prayer is that the truth of this matter will be heard and these false charges will be dropped.
Please spread the word and keep us all in prayer.
Read more or support here: https://www.fundedjustice.com/en/projects/28956-McGuire-Family-Defense-Fund---Bundy-Ranch

Defending Locally Grown


Ammon Bundy Thanks Supporters from Jail 2 5 2016
