Saturday, May 23, 2015

Crowd funding for legal fees

Written by Michael Helfand, Chief Executive Officer, Funded Justice
Imagine you are playing a baseball game. The game is tied, bottom of the ninth, two outs. You are up to bat and take a big swing. The ball rockets off of your bat and heads over the wall in the outfield. You win. All that is left is for you to round the bases. You touch first, then second, then third. You are about to get home and celebrate your big win when suddenly the umpire tells you that your home run doesn’t count and they are taking an earlier run away. You lose, they win. It’s completely unfair, but there’s nothing you can do about it.
What I described sounds ridiculous, but the truth is that this is a situation that happens every day in courtrooms throughout our country. If the legal system was fair, the person that deserves to win would win and nothing unfair would happen to them. But the reality is that if you don’t go to court with an attorney and your opponent does, you will likely lose. If you go with an attorney, but they aren’t any good and your opponent has a great one, you will likely lose no matter how much you deserve to win. It’s no more fair than a homerun being taken away from a batter, but the truth is that justice in the courtroom is often based on who can afford it.
The economy is getting better, but many people can’t afford a retainer fee to hire the right attorney for their case. So they either go it alone or with an unqualified law firm. In some cases, lack of money prevents any opportunity for justice.
In the past if you needed money for a lawyer, the thought was to see if a friend or family member would loan you a few thousand dollars. Unfortunately most people don’t have this type of friend. But the way you raise money for a lawyer has now changed.
With the advent of crowd funding, people now understand that asking one friend for a few thousand isn’t the right question. Instead, it makes more sense to see if 100 friends can loan you $20.00. Funded Justice is leading the way in legal crowd funding and helping solve the problem of people not being given the opportunity to get a fair date in court. Their site is unique in that it’s solely focused on the legal industry and provides an option to have donations re-paid upon the conclusion of a successful case. Per their website, what they want to do is give people a chance at legal fairness by telling their story and seeking donations from friends, family members and strangers.
In other words, if you deserve the home run, you get the home run. If you deserve a strikeout, that happens too. But just as results on the baseball field should be fair, courtroom results should be too. Hopefully with legal funding websites leading the way, people who previously could not afford to pay for their day in court can now have a fair chance to participate in the game.
About Funded Justice
Funded Justice is leading the way in legal crowdfunding and helping individuals have their day in court. For too long, the assumption has been that both side of a case are equally represented, and we know that this is not always the case. Funded Justice is uniquely qualified to level this playing field and truly create an environment where both sides have the best representation possible.
If you are involved in a legal dispute and think that having more money to hire the best attorney possible would help, feel free to visit our website and learn more. Also, if you work with a 501(c)(3) non-profit and have issues that are taken up by any court, contact us, and we may be able to get your organization more than $10,000 per month in advertising grants.
To learn more, visit us on the webFacebook and Twitter.

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