Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Help our family

My name is Donna Munoz, and I am trying to raise money for a defense attorney for my sister in law and her husband due to their pending CPS case.  They are wonderful parents and when their youngest child was sick and could not keep anything down, they did what any other parent would do, took him to the hospital.
The hospital did an initial exam and tests, and discharged the boy with the instructions to bring the child back if the symptoms continue.  The following day they returned to the hospital and again the child was discharged without a diagnosis.  They then took the child to his regular doctor who recommended if the symptoms continued they should take the child to a hospital that was more than 40 miles from their home.  
The symptoms continued, so they took the child to the hospital that his regular doctor recommended.  The doctors there ran tests but again said nothing was wrong and discharged him with the instructions to come back if the symptoms persisted. They ended up going back the next day and again the hospital was going to send the child home. 
My sister in law found this unacceptable, and after protesting, the hospital did admit the child to run more tests. After being in the hospital for about a week, CPS became involved. My sister in law was told that CPS was taking their kids due to a doctor’s allegation. They did my sister in law and her husband to stay at the hospital with the child until he was discharged.
During this situation, we were caring for their other child in our home.  CPS called us at 2:30 AM to inform us that we had to bring the child to their offices.  Their only evidence being one allegation from one doctor, and CPS has taken both of these children. 
This has been so heartbreaking for our family. We have found an attorney to help us but it is going to cost $5,000.00.  Due to medical conditions, my husband and I can only do so much. We are asking for help mend our family back together.  We would appreciate any help possible. 
To donate to our legal defense fund
Thank you so much and God Bless.

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