Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Justice for Christopher

A little background.

Chris attempted suicide in March of his 6th-grade years and the end of August of his 7th-grade year. Chris was put on homebound for part of all his middle school years. When he got out of the hospital the last time he said, “Mom I didn’t really want to die, I just wanted someone to save me from the bullies.”
The bullying continued and was not addressed. His doctor pulled him out each time and the last time was in October of his 8th grade year 2015. He has been on homebound since that time, receiving only 3 hours a week of instruction from the public school system, where his peers have gotten 38 hours a week.
Chris being homebound for so long and over multiple occasion spanning 3 years it has severely hampered Christopher’s educational development, Christopher’s self-esteem and sense of personal dignity have suffered tremendously as well.” He has lost all of his 8th-grade education, yet the system will push him into high school where he will never catch up. He feels unsafe in that school setting and gets upset when we even discuss him going back.
The system has also failed to provide some services as required by law like occupational therapy that has been in his IEP since grade school.
In a system that says no child left behind, mine has been left behind.
I want the district to make changes to its special education program. “Clearly, the damage done to Chris are immeasurable,”
I have hired an attorney but need help to pay for the attorney to fight the system for Chris.

Chris is a bright 14-year-old with Asperger’s who created a Superhero Captain Spectrum to teach kids not to bully. With a motto, “Defend and Be a Friend.” Visit his characters Facebook page to learn more about Chris.
With an IEP on the horizon, I need to move fast. 
His attorney will not continue until we pay the fees, I understand he cannot work for free.
I am fighting for my child's education, his future, and his life.
I am grateful for any amount donated to help us get through this period of our lives.

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