Wednesday, May 4, 2016


This page is dedicated to yet another individual in our society who has been maliciously and outrageously persecuted with false allegations. James Ball woke up one morning in his uncle’s house in North Carolina to find his loving uncle shot in the side of the head. James and his uncle William Ball were very close and visited one another frequently. James was devastated and mortified the morning that he woke up, and when he saw William he called the authorities right away.  As you can imagine this would be a very traumatic and confusing situation.
Originally the police ruled the shooting as a suicide and released James from custody. William had several factors going on in his life which made suicide very plausible, but after constant pleading and threatening behavior by William’s adopted daughter, who also has a son in law enforcement, the police retracted their original statement. After amending their statement, the police then concocted a ridiculous case against James in order to obtain an arrest warrant.  James went to visit his parents in Canada to both support and console them over William’s death.  James already had plans to go visit his parents prior to the untimely and unfortunate death of his uncle, but now had even more reason and desire to be close to family during this time.  The police used James’ shock and disbelief of the situation against him and made false claims that James had fled to Canada to escape.
The truth is that James stuck around the area for an entire week before leaving.  He checked in with the police periodically and was compliant during every part of their investigation. It wasn’t until James decided to go visit his parents that the police put out an arrest warrant for him. He was arrested at the port of entry into Canada.  He was escorted to jail in front of a destroyed mother and father with tears running down their faces and no one knowing why things were happening the way they were.  The authorities leaked sensitive and confidential information to North Carolina news stations, spreading lies and rumors that James had been trying to “flee” the country.  James did not flee and was 100% cooperative with law enforcement after the incident took place.  Then once he had been cleared of suspicion and charge, he resumed his schedule to go visit his parents in Canada, which was a week later.
After spending 5+ grueling months in a Canadian prison, James courageously decided to waive his rights and has, by his own accord, came back into the United States to face the false charges against him. He wants nothing more than to be with his family and help authorities see the truth, unfortunately, they don’t want nor care to listen and pursue a more thorough investigation.  The original arresting officers also happened to be the same officers who picked James up to bring him back to North Carolina, where he is now being detained.  During the drive to the penitentiary, both officers harassed and taunted James, telling him his life was over, that he was scum and needed to confess.  This cruel treatment of an already tortured soul should be illegal and punishable by law.  If these are the officers upholding the “law” in North Carolina, then I have very little faith in their ability to make sound decisions and proper (fair) judgments.
James is a loving father, son and dedicated cuisine chef. He has a heart of gold and always puts his family first. This campaign is dedicated to him and to bring light into a very dark and twisted situation. Unfortunately, it is just another case of an out of control judicial system where you are, in fact, guilty until proven innocent.  An innocent life is on trial because some have been unable to protect the true innocents.  Please help us in both prayers and in raising the money needed in order to show to those that matter that James is also a victim in this double tragedy.  The truth is rarely sought after because it is either a hard journey or a person would rather turn a blind eye to the situation.  Neither is acceptable in this case and we ask that you take a moment to reflect on the situation and what you would do if it was someone you loved who was being held accountable for a crime they did not commit.  There is additional information that has been released to the immediate families, information we feel should help prove James’ innocence, however, in respect for the investigation and all those involved, that information cannot be shared at this time.  Thank you for your time and for your gracious contribution towards this cause.
Here is a letter from James Ball’s parents
  As a parent and being faced with such terrible injustice being thrown at our son; how do we begin to explain our pain? Here we are “retired” and ready to start another journey in our life which was filled with joy and happiness having raised two loving and caring sons and then “WAM” hit with such terrible and horrific accusations. Please; don’t ever think that this cannot happen to you because we were naïve enough to believe in the justice system and the wonderful phrase of “innocent until proven guilty”; but believe this that it is only a myth; a wonderful saying with no concrete value.
  Here we are now living on retirement money and trying to desperately rescue a loving and caring young man “Our Son” from being sent away for the rest of his life for a crime he did not commit. We need professional help; where do we go; how do we afford it; Oh dear lord what do we do?
  Our son is being wrongly accused and having such limited knowledge of how the law works and such a limited amount of funds; how do we succeed successfully in rescuing an innocent man from predators that can’t see nor do they try to seek the real truth of what really happened to my brother “Billy”.
  James is a loving, caring and an honorable young man whom is incapable of committing such a horrific act. Trying to do the right thing turned into a nightmare. After breaking up with his common law wife and being separated from his son he was devastated. He flew to Arizona to spend time with his brother. There was a pending ticket in North Carolina so he flew back to make things right. We were to pick him up from Billy’s to bring him back to Canada for a while. After Billy called his brother “Danny” and told him of James arriving there safely they decided to have a BBQ and some drinks. James went to bed early due to jet lag setting in and he was very tired. When he got up the next day the never ending nightmare began. James loved his uncle; this whole thing is so sick; we as a family have not even had time to grieve properly. Please help our son; in the name of justice, they are ruining his life.

 Read More Here:

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