Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Can Never catch a break

My fight is solely for my 2 boys you see pictured above. I am their sole caretaker and provider and I only care about them and need to continue my fight to keep them in my everyday life. I cannot do this without your help. 
Dec 10th, my house was raided by Homeland security and they seized all my assets, money, kids’ funds, cars, everything I own except my house. Claiming that SOME of the software I sold was counterfeit. SOME? I am very careful on what I sell. Homeland seized all I had even silver coins I had been collecting since I was 8 years old. 
So they have come, taken everything I have worked so hard to build and then told me to try to hire a lawyer without access to any of my assets. I did nothing wrong intentionally and have the evidence to prove it but they do not want to discuss my innocence but just force me to sign a plea that is not true. 
How is it fair with zero evidence, purely on suspicion; can a governmental entity take all you have earned and worked for through a civil forfeiture and then come back and say "Try to hire a lawyer now with no money". A free lawyer does not have the experience in Copyright laws to even begin to understand how to protect my rights. I need someone that understands the software industry and the largest software company in the world is behind this criminal action.
Please help the little guy have a fighting chance against this large software giant that has convinced the government to take everything I own and effectively prevent me from hiring a proper defense.
For more information on this story please click here

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