Friday, July 3, 2015

Help Me Throw My Case Out And Support My Parents

(*Names have been changed to protect the innocent*)
So this whole sad story begins with a former friend of the family, April. Her and my mother were co-workers years ago when I was a child and became fast friends. Fast forward a few years, she has a daughter, Samantha. A third party introduced April to her current husband, Brent, and his three(?) children, Susie, Mark, and Thomas.
It has been clearly established in time (read: there's physical evidence and court documentation) that Brent is an abusive husband and potentially father.
The first time my family has heard anything similar to the nature of my current case is that Thomas - age about 11-13 at the time - was outright molesting Susie - age at the time about 7 or 8. For reference, I was about 14 or 15 at the time, I'm not certain on the dates. We (my family) never heard about allegations again outside of that one time, perhaps one other time was mentioned, but I can't recall. They certainly never pursued criminal charges, that much I can be certain of.
The next immediate time I had heard something about this was when Samantha abruptly had said that I was touching her, out of the blue. I was 21 or 22 at the time. My family and I had been around since Samantha was born and found this to be, well, utterly unexpected; she was treated like my little sister. However, we hadn't heard anything since. Furthermore, we saw Samantha again a few times after this up until about August of 2014.
About February or March of this year, I was approached by detectives who were investigating these allegations. Had I known, I would have told them to leave, but since I knew that I had done nothing wrong, I complied to have them ask me questions. I had figured that at worst Samantha had said she had walked in on me once or twice attending to things that no child has any business being around. Regardless, my answers, despite being vague at best, were used against me grossly out of context, and were placed on an affidavit for my arrest; it was served at my job shortly after clocking in on June 2nd, about 10:30 PM.
I won't go into specifics of what they say I did, but... it's gross. Depraved. But regardless, the specifics were so shockingly out of character, we're all amazed it's come this far.
In fact, the affidavit is so shoddily constructed on lies, I had difficultly believing there was a rhyme or reason to any of it. But shortly I was released, all the pieces had suddenly fit into place, and I now understand what and why this is happening to me. Sit tight for my explanation of events.
As I mentioned earlier, it was revealed that at some point in time, Thomas was accused of touching Susie. What I suspect happened was that at one point, Thomas had started touching Samantha as well, but this didn't have the same ending as the last one; April had probably threatened Brent with taking HIS son to court for touching HER daughter, but Brent retaliated, more than likely violently. It goes undisclosed for a while. Another possibility is that Samantha lied about it all to begin with; she's been noted to "wanting to be more like her stepsister". Regardless...
Some time goes by, and perhaps Samantha walks in on me doing something. Perhaps she mis-remembered something else, or outright made something up. Regardless, my name is suddenly on April and Brent's mind, and they hatch a diabolical plan: blame me for EVERYTHING, and sue for a lot of damages and restitution.
Now, if that were the entire story and they stuck to that, admittedly, it'd be hard to fight, but winnable in court. However, the affidavit is filled with so many lies upon lies, it was not unlike trying to untangle a nest of controllers and cables - you just didn't have anywhere to start working at a glance. Lies like my parents being methheads, lies like Mark confronting me about anything, lies about April and Brent confronting my parents about anything, lies about Samantha telling me to stop touching her; even me MEETING Susie and being alone for any amount of time is a gigantic lie!
For that reason, I fully expect my case to be dropped entirely when my side of the story is told, or worst case, I'm found not guilty after many needless months of trial.

#ClearMyName #FundedJustice

To read more about this story please click here


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