Friday, November 20, 2015

Bring My Children Home

My ex-wife and I have been going thru a 2-year divorce battle that was solely drug out due to disagreements on where our children should be. During the middle of the divorce, my ex-wife moved out of the state we lived in and where my children have always called home. She was not allowed to take our children out of state until court proceedings were done and a judgment was issued.
In September, the judge made the decision to allow my ex-wife to take our children from me where they had been residing for almost 2 years, once the children’s 2nd quarter of school was complete. They were thriving in school, participating in sports and a part of our church. This decision was made without proof of where she was taking them (not even an address), how she would afford to send them back to me on breaks and without any professional or family input talking to the children regarding where they wanted to live. When my children lived with her before the divorce, they went without power, food and adult supervision for nights sometimes weekends. I had to provide a house phone just so they had a form of communication in case something happened.
My ex-wife knew the children wanted to stay with me, on November 2nd without telling me she signed our 3 children out of school and flew them from Arizona to North Carolina with nothing but the clothes on their back. My oldest Son asked his Mother why she lied and said she was bringing them home after lunch and she told him "If I told you I was taking you, you wouldn't have left with me". She allowed my daughter to call 5 hours after their departure to say they were at an airport but then hung up so I had no information.
I had to get the police involved and they are the ones that provided me with the flight information and that is how I found out where they were taken to. Because the Motion 87 to keep them here with me while I was trying to appeal, a judge had not signed off the judgement on so the police could not stop her. It took 5 days to get any information about where my children were taken to and what schools they were enrolled in.
We filed a petition to have her bring back my children due to the fact she had not communicated any of her plans to take them and refused to give me any information about dates, times or location they would be taken and they had not yet finished their school quarter as the judgement said the transition would happen. However, the same judge who let them go without taking in consideration the damage she had already inflicted on our children denied the petition to bring them home and stated I can handle it in appellate courts.
Since they have been gone, I only get to speak to my children if she is next to them in the room on my ex-wife’s phone and she refuses to communicate any information about my children to me. I have had to call police in their area to do a well check because my daughter called crying saying her Mother was slapping and throwing her around. Yet the courts will not allow my children to come back to their safe loving home, and I have to tell my children daily that I don’t know what will happen next. I just want to be a father to my children; I want the love back in my home.
For more information please click here or visit 

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