Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Save Kassie

I am a mother of 3 children by the same abusive father. He received custody of them after our divorce because he had the house, the car, and the job. I had nothing because I wasn't allowed to go to school, have a job, have friends, or even talk to family, for fear I would disclose his repeated abuse of me and my children over the course of 12 years. I fled with all 3 of my children from Michigan to California, where my family had moved back to, to get away from his abuse in September 2009. When he got custody, he alienated me from my kids for 4 years. (In those 4 years, I hired 4 attorneys and my family, husband, and I paid almost $200,000 throughout this battle.) I regained custody of my son when he called me from his paternal grandmother's home in February 2014. She had no idea what had occurred until my son finally told her. In October 2014, CPS had removed my oldest daughter due to his abuse and she was placed in my custody. I had filed for emergency custody for my youngest daughter in Michigan, but was told that even though he went against the court order not to remove my daughter from the State of Indiana where he was residing that they no longer had Jurisdiction because he kidnapped her and took her to Alabama. She is still in Alabama and we have no way of getting her away from his abuse and Cps would not remove her because she would not disclose abuse. I have not seen my youngest daughter since April 9th, 2010. She was 5. She is now 10 and I'm desperate to save her and reunite her with all of our family, including his own mother and sister in Michigan. Please help our family. We are a Military family with no resources for legal representation, because my current husband is the active duty member, not me.

Please visit Funded Justice or click here for more information.

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