Thursday, June 18, 2015

2nd Chance for Jeffery

2nd Chance for Jeffery is a group of people working for the release from imprisonment of Jeffery Chapman.
Corrupt Chicago detectives from the notoriously infamous Area One Precinct of Chicago (read a bit of their history here and here) threatened witnesses, falsified statements, and destroyed evidence in order to convict Jeffery in 1990 for the shooting death of a woman, a shooting that Jeffery did not commit.
Jeffery was 23 years old at the time of conviction and has remained imprisoned ever since.  He is currently 48 years old.
New evidence has since come to light: prosecution witnesses have revealed the lies they were forced to tell by the detectives, as well as proof of trial court bias during Jeffery's trial and sentencing-- but Jeffery is without the financial means to hire the legal defense needed and is in dire need of your help.
He has spent his years imprisoned studying, having graduated from Century College's computer programming classes and has taken advantage of the many classes the prison offers in interpersonal behavioral skills and stays far, far away from the people who don't share similar goals.
Jeffery is ready, responsible, and deserving of a second chance, and with your help and concern his hope can become a reality.
Please help him by contributing to his legal defense fund and join us in the effort to bring the truth to light and win back Jeffery's freedom.  All donations will go to aiding in his appeal.  Any donation amounts, no matter what size will be sincerely appreciated.
Learn more about Jeffery by reading his blog:  2nd Chance for Jeffery Or by Visiting 

#2ndChanceforJeffery #FundedJustice

Thank you so much!

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