I have never done this before, but I am here asking for financial help. My children’s mother is trying to modify my visitation to nothing and raise my child support. She is claiming abuse that supposedly occurred in June of 2013. I have tried my hardest at doing this Pro Se, but I feel that an attorney would be in the best interest for me and our children.
My ex-wife is trying to modify my visitation with my children claiming abuse. She filed a false claim with DCFS and my children have told me that she is trying to make it to where they will never see me again. I understand that pursuant to section 604(b) of the Marriage and Dissolution act allows for a court appointed psychologist to act as a custody evaluator. She signs them up for activities on my weekends to include herself. My ex-wife was sexually molested as a child and removed from the care of the perpetrator and into the custodial care of his parents. Her mother has Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome, which I believe has been passed down to my ex. I have also read that Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome and Parental Alienation usually run together. She also has our children in counseling, which the counselor has allegedly persuaded her to modify my visitation because of their belief that abuse may be occurring. Yet, no report has ever been filed by the supposed counseling service. Pursuant to section 325 ILCS 5 of the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act, as medical professionals they are required to report to the state if they have reason to believe that child abuse is occurring. Our children seem to be very happy when they are with me, yet I feel like they hate me at times when their mother is around.
How the story started
Planning a vacation to Kansas City with my children on one of my two weekly visits, their mother decided that she didn't want me to take them and threatened to take legal action. When I agreed that she should take action and that I would fight it, she decided to take another route. In June of 2013, after dropping my children off after a weekend visitation, I received a phone call from the Edwardsville Police Department that their mother had claimed that I had choked our youngest. The officer stated that he was inclined to contact me, but their investigation showed no signs of anything happening. Unhappy with the actions of the Police report, their mother then filed a false report with the Illinois Department of Family Services, which was later unfounded after an investigation. Letter enclosed.

After a year and a half
In January of 2015, I received notification that their mother was trying to modify my visitations and raise my child support on claims of the above reported abuse. She is also claiming that our children wet the bed at home because they choose to watch scary movies at my house. Yet, my children will tell you that they do not wet the bed at my house, which leads me to believe that something is going on at home that causes them to do it there and not at my house. I do allow them to choose to watch some scary movies with their cousins, at the same time; I explain that what they are watching is not real. Their own brother (she's since remarried and had a child), chases them around wearing a Scream costume and wielding a plastic knife.
She is also filing for the courts to force me to take them to Cheerleading practice and games during my visitation periods. Anyone who knows me knows that for the past five years, I have taken them to their games. Before last season, their mother called me and begged me to let her sign them up once again, promising that this would be the last year. After talking it over with the children, we all agreed that this would be the last year. She has since been elected to the Board of Directors and now claiming that I have refused to allow them to participate. This is true, because I hold her to her word. As the cheer coach, I was forced to take the children to their mother during my visitation. I don't feel that it is right for her to schedule activities for myself and our children during my visitation; especially when those plans involve her. She does not plan activities that include me during her standard time. In re Marriage of Charous, A second district appellate courts opinion was that scheduling activities during my visitation, would infringe upon reasonable visitation with our children.
According to their mother, our children are in counseling because of the abuse that I imposed on them. She has stated that both the children’s counselors have informed her that it was their belief that it was in the best interest to limit or take away all visitation rights. I only have visitation now as it is every other weekend, alternating holidays and two weeks during the summer, which equates to about 15% of the year. This is what the courts have deemed reasonable visitation. Pursuant to section 325 ILCS 5 of the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act, as medical professionals the counselors are required to report to the state if they have reason to believe that child abuse is occurring, which they have not.
I am at a loss and really don’t know where to turn. My children are the most important in my life.
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