My name is Ariel, I am the older sister of David and I am setting this crowdfunding up in order to plea for the help of the people and fight for justice for my younger brother.
David is a loving father of Izabella, lovingly nicknamed "Izzy", who will be 2 this December. He left his wife recently due to the verbal and physical abuse she used upon him as well as the unsafe living conditions they and their child were living in. Bed Bugs and roaches were everywhere, the child was covered in bed bug bites, and the child hadn’t been to a doctor in nearly two years. He brought his daughter with him to live with our sister, Brittany, when he left in order to get Izzy the medical care and other necessities she needed.

Though David and his wife were split, he always allowed his wife and her mother to visit the child, and made it clear that once her house was in proper living order, the wife could bring Izzy to her home once again. Once the divorce was finalized, they were going to file for custody and split the time with Izzy fairly.
However, Sunday, October 15th, his wife orchestrated a kidnapping of Izabella rather than wait and utilize the proper legal methods to negotiate custody.
While visiting their child at his current residence, the wife tricked David into letting her bring over a “sick aunt who was visiting from Indiana” (who we learned through the police report is not the wife’s aunt and is not visiting from out of state) over to visit Izzy. Without invitation inside, she entered my sisters home, stole the child, and assaulted David and Brittany when the two tried to rescue the child. Two men, who were also part of the wife’s scheme, then pulled up and began to attack.
While the wife and “aunt” placed Izzy in a car, unbuckled and unrestrained with no car-seat, one man attacked David with brass knuckles and a knife while another hit Brittany. Then, the wife dragged David and Brittany with a car while they were trying to rescue the child from the unsafe conditions in the car. David now has a broken nose, lacerations, and other injuries.

Brittany was bitten by Izabella's mother during the altercation and her finger is now infected. There’s no telling how bad the injury is at the moment but worst-case scenario, Brittany may lose her finger.
The child’s mother and her accomplices did all this in front of Izabella as well as Brittany’s children. The wife and her accomplices obviously have no care for the safety of the missing child. They drove off with Izzy unrestrained in the lap of the aunt in the front seat, which is completely unsafe for a child. They ran at least 2 stop signs as well, and almost hit our mother's car (Izzy's fraternal grandmother) headfirst since she was coming over to visit as well.
Currently, we have gone through all the legal processes we can, charging and reporting the wife and kidnappers. The wife was shortly jailed October 15th, and during this time her family hid Izzy from her father. Police and DCS have assisted in the search and charged people with custodial interference, but the child has yet to be found. The wife made bail the next day, and despite other orders to return the child, she continues to hide Izabella from her father, David, by bouncing the child between different people.
Despite this, we fear for our case because while she will resort to illegal measures to obtain funds, we do not have the funding to afford a lawyer. She was able to afford bond easily, so we know she has sources and cash for a lawyer. David has only just begun a new job after leaving his wife, and our family does not have the savings to help him fight for his daughter. The money from your donations will be used to pay for legal fees and to retain a lawyer for two cases: an order of protection for him and the child, and the divorce/custody for the child.
He is a loving, caring father who has devoted his life to Izabella since birth. He was a stay at home parent caring for her as well as his wife’s younger brothers for years. The moment he left his wife, he found a job in order to pay for all his daughter's wants and needs. Listening to him and watching the videos he and my sister have taken, anyone can see in every moment how much she was cared for and loved while in his care.
Despite the fact his daughter has been missing for 3 days, David is optimistic and wants to do all he can to see his child again. All we want is for the child to come home safe and sound. Please help us make sure Izabella is in the hands of someone who cares about the happiness and safety of his child.
Thank you so much for your help!

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