For over 12 years, Anthoine Plunkett has been incarcerated due to a wrongful conviction. Anthoine has been convicted solely based on circumstantial evidence and has consistently maintained his innocence.
For the last six years he has fought tooth and nail to expose the governmental and prosecutorial misconduct that took place in his criminal trial in August 2005. Because of his tenacity, diligence and resilience in seeking the truth, within the last few years he has obtained newly discovered evidence that supports his allegations. This latest discovery demonstrates and supports prosecutorial misconduct involving mishandled evidence, lost evidence, and suppressed evidence that could have been favorable to his defense during his trial. The results of this evidence can lead to Anthoine being exonerated or awarded a new trial.
Anthoine has already spent $11,000.00 with various paralegals, forensic experts and investigators in the identification and development of critical issues that can lead to his conviction being overturned. But sadly, this is still not enough. There are additional investigatory resources that need to be thoroughly exhausted to complete and further support his contentions. Unfortunately, we have lost some of our most beloved family members along the way during Anthoine’s incarceration including his mother, grandparents, an aunt and uncle in addition to the recent passing of yet another uncle. Losing these loved ones has taken a devastating toll on Anthoine emotionally as well as financially.
Anthoine has been in contact with a very reputable attorney who is willing to take on his case setting the wheels in motion necessary to gain his freedom. The time has come to embark upon the much-needed task of raising funds. Finances are needed to cover the costs for continued investigatory work and litigation, which includes the filing of this post-conviction motion. With your help, our $15,000 campaign goal can easily be attained. We will share as much of this new information as possible concerning developments in his case, under the advisement of the attorney. Our desire is to gain your support by being as transparent as possible.
So, get on board and join our fight for freedom, justice and equality concerning Anthoine’s plight by helping him expose the prosecutorial misconduct that has led to his wrongful conviction. NO ONE REGARDLESS OF GENDER, RACE, COLOR OR CREED SHOULD HAVE THEIR DUE PROCESS RIGHTS AS GUARANTEED BY THE FIFTH AMENDMENT OF OUR UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION STRIPPED AWAY AS WAS DONE TO THIS MAN! HELP US AS WE REVEAL THE TRUTH AND LET S BRING THIS INNOCENT MAN HOME!
In closing, we also welcome any legal assistance or support from anyone who may be able to contribute to his cause. Thank you all. We humbly appreciate your generosity and kindness.

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