Victor is a hardworking, dedicated father of four seeking financial help to hire a custody lawyer to gain full custody of his two youngest children. I ask that you please read this with an open heart with Victor's children in mind as they are the true victims of this story.
Custody battles will bring out the worst in people, especially if one of the people involved is vindictive and mentally unstable. For the past 3 years, Victor's Ex has done everything in her power to make Victor's life with his fiancee as difficult as possible with complete disregard for how her actions are negatively affecting her own children. In the eyes of Victor's Ex, her children are nothing but pons to be used as collateral. Victor has been in and out of court for the past 3 years fighting for his children. During this time, Victor's Ex has lied about being a victim of domestic violence as a ploy to gain US citizenship, she has attempted to coach the children with lies, she has repeatedly stalked Victor's residence and social media sights, and she has slandered Victor's name as a father at her children's schools and around town. This past weekend Victor's Ex brought her vindictiveness to a level beyond what anyone thought she was capable of.
Victor currently has joint legal and physical custody of his children with time every afternoon and every weekend. This past weekend Victor had requested of his Ex that she keep the children for the weekend as he had a family wedding to attend. She was very reluctant to do so and started a big argument, but when the weekend inevitably came, she kept the children. Then, on the following Monday Victor's Ex called Victor accusing him of heinous acts against his daughter and threatening to take legal action. Victor was absolutely appalled and besides himself with worry for his children. He immediately left his residence with his fiancee to pick his daughter up from preschool and take her to the doctor and then to the police station. When the couple arrived at Victor's daughter's school they were informed that his daughter did not attend class that day. The couple then drove over to Victor's Ex's residence to check for the children. When no one was present at Victor's Ex's apartment, Victor and his fiancee drove over to Victor's youngest son's school to check if the children were there. Upon arriving at the school, Victor and his fiancee discovered his children unattended in Victor's Ex's car with Victor's Ex nowhere in sight. The children were ecstatic to see Victor after being away from him for the weekend. Victor and his fiancee stayed by the car with the children for 10-20 minutes waiting for Victor's Ex to return. When Victor's Ex finally returned to the car she immediately began cursing and causing a scene in front of the children and Victor's son's classmates and families. Victor has the legal right to have his children in the afternoons in agreeance to his custody court order, so when Victor's Ex started saying she was going to call the police, Victor welcomed it. Victor's Ex then attempted to call the police, but after hearing news she was not satisfied with, she decided to lock the children in her car and drive away. Victor and his fiancee followed Victor's Ex's car with the children while recording the whole time. Victor's Ex sped through town driving as if she was heading to the police station and then turning around at the last second only to drive in circles down side streets. After following the car for 30 minutes, Victor's Ex finally decided to drive towards her residence.
Down the street from Victor's Ex's residence, a police officer was parked by a convenience store assisting a man with an unrelated issue. Victor's Ex decided to pull into the parking lot of the convenience store and park her car. Victor and his fiancee parked alongside her. Victor then got out of the car and pleaded with his Ex to stop the drama now and let him take his children. Victor's Ex continued to refuse, so Victor flagged down the nearby police officer for assistance. Victor and his fiancee explained the at hand situation to the officer and that Victor has the legal right to have his children in the afternoons. During the time Victor and his fiancee were speaking with the officer, Victor's Ex was on the phone with a detective from the police department. When the officer approached Victor's Ex's car, Victor's Ex handed the officer her cellphone with the detective on the line. The officer spoke with the detective and then informed Victor that he needed to detain him until other units arrived. Victor was put into handcuffs and placed into the back seat of the officer's car in front of his children.
An hour later, detectives in two separate cars arrived at the scene stating that they were investigating the assault of a child. The detectives transferred Victor into one of their vehicles and asked his fiancee if she would like to come down to the station to make a statement. Victor's fiancee jumped at the opportunity to defend Victor and willfully went with the detectives to the station. The children were released to Victor's Ex and returned back to her residence.
Back at the station, detectives began questioning Victor's fiancee on what she knew of this situation. Victor's fiancee was as open and honest as she could possibly be. She told detectives all the events of the day and weekend as well as a detailed description of the difficult past they had dealing with Victor's Ex over custody rights. The detectives then told Victor's fiancee their side of the story. The detectives said that Victor's Ex had said Victor's four year old daughter was saying Victor assaulted her during one of her overnight stays at his home. His daughter supposedly said that during this alleged assault Victor's fiancee walked into the room, said "oh my God" at which time Victor stopped what he was doing, slapped his fiancee across the face and his fiancee left the room. The detectives were vague, but informed Victor's fiancee that Victor's daughter had injuries. Upon hearing this story, Victor's fiancee was in shock. She repeatedly told detectives the story was fictitious and how Victor's Ex was a sociopathic unfit parent. Victor's fiancee gave the detectives the key to her and Victor's home with consent to search, she offered to take a liar detection test, and offered anything else the detectives may want access to. Victor's fiancee told detectives that if they cared for the wellbeing of Victor's children they would remove them from Victor's Ex's residence immediately. The detectives told her that removing the children from the residence was out of their jurisdiction and that if she wanted to do so she could call CPS herself. The detectives then left Victor's fiancee in the interview room while they prepared to go search her and Victor's home. After detectives searched the residence, they allowed Victor's fiancee to go home. Victor's fiancee was informed that Victor had not yet been interviewed, but that he was going to be transferred to jail with a court hearing the following Wednesday. Victor's fiancee urged the detectives to do their jobs correctly and to please make an effort to assure the safety of Victor's children.
After the detectives returned from searching Victor's home, they began to interview Victor on what he knew of the situation. Victor repeated an identical story to the one his fiancee had just told detectives. He was beside himself with worry for his daughter when the detectives told him that his daughter may have injuries. He was informed that supposedly this investigation began weeks ago and that when Victor's Ex called him earlier that morning, the detectives were listening on the line. Victor insisted his innocence and asked the detectives to protect his children. Victor offered his dna, he offered to take a lie detector test, and gave the detectives his cellphone and any other personal property they wanted access to. Victor was arrested and kept in custody 3 days until his court hearing.
When Victor's fiancee returned to her home she was in pieces. She called all of Victor's family and friends to fill them in on what was going on. She called CPS and reported everything that had just happened and insisted that Victor's children were in immediate danger. The next day, Victor's fiancee met with lawyers. Victor's fiancee did everything she could to prepare for Victor's court hearing the next day. She prayed for truth and justice and she asked her friends and family to do the same. She prayed for the safety of Victor's children as well as for the safety of Victor while he was incarcerated.
On Wednesday, Victor's fiancee showed up to the court with Victor's family to show support. Victor's family was beyond relieved when they found out their prayers had been answered and Victor's charges had been dropped without having to appear. The DA had refused charges as all the evidence they had collected pointed to a clear custody dispute and not that of an assault on a child. Victor was released to go home Wednesday evening after spending 3 days in jail. Victor's fiancee and family were thrilled, but could see that this arrest is just the beginning of what is going to be long and expensive fight to gain full custody.
As a result of the time Victor missed from work while being incarcerated he lost his job. Victor and his fiancee were already struggling to keep food on the table and bills paid with their combined income. The support Victor and his fiancee have received from friends and family has been overwhelmingly helpful, but it does not even come close to providing enough to hire a proper defense. Victor's children are being subjected to severe psychological damage while under the care of their biological mother. During the past 3 years of this custody battle, the emotional toll of Victor's daughter has been reflected in her behavior at school. According to teachers, Victor's daughter refuses to eat at school and has had fainting spells, she picks fights with other little girls, she talks back to teachers while being aggressive, and she has been lying. Unfortunately we are up against a system that is programed to favor the mother in custody issues involving young children. In our case we are dealing with an extremely dangerous woman who will go to any means she deems necessary to sabotage the life of an Ex boyfriend.
Anything you can offer us will be greatly appreciated. All we want is for Victor's children to be safe and happy. 

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