Friday, December 1, 2017

Please help reunite our family!

Hi my name is Summer Stallard and I would like to tell you about my story. On January 17th 2017 my family was ripped apart. My husband and I brought our 2 month old (now 11 mo) son to the doctor because we noticed his head was swollen on the left side, he had a 2 month check up later that day and i called to get an earlier appointment because i was concerned. The night before our 18 month old (now 2) threw a full sippy cup of juice and a truck at him while we were in the vehicle, he acted completely normal afterwards so we didn't suspect anything was wrong. To our horror the doctors told us he had multiple fractures. We were absolutely mortified and had no idea how they could have occurred and would never imagine harming our precious baby boy! We pleaded with the doctors to look for another explanation, and they wouldn't listen. Then we heard the words that no parent ever wants to hear "we are taking all of your children into state custody we believe it is abuse, you must leave". We didn't even get to say goodbye. I just want my babies home. I am trying to raise money for funds for a doctor to come down and testify at trial and to travel to see a doctor that isn't in my state. Please help if you can, and please share our story it needs to be heard. 

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