Friday, February 12, 2016

Human Rights Abuse in Norway, taking Government to Higher Court

I am a long-term meditator and yogi (20 years), still standing on my head in the morning – at age 56. I love that.  –  But, I should not have lived if it was up to the criminal one trying to end my life, nor to the government in Norway not caring much about Human Rights in Norway. 
Taking my Norwegian Government to court for Human Rights Abuse
In Norway I have finally taken my Government to court for Human Rights Abuse, and lost in the first round (Oslo Tingrett). Through criminal action over several years I was removed of my income, my house and family home, my car and in the end - a daily connection with my loving family: My human rights were abused to the point where I fled Norway to survive, finding a new home in Bali. How I managed to survive all this? Read on and please support this appeal to win over a non-listening and disrespectful government. 
Government offered no support against a fierce attack
This multi-year all-encompassing attack was cynically planned and orchestrated by a board member in my own company, a disloyal and clearly ill-intending man. I lost it all through court due to his professionally planned lies, his cunning deceit, his serious threats on my life and an energetic attack out of this world. Through all of this I was drained of a lot of positive life energy and I can prove loss of physical health as well. I went from healthy to a point of "near-death" blood clogging, clearly so by medical tests at hospitals in Bali and Norway. From that low point I turned my infection-ridden health around – with an extreme physical expedition on May 2nd, 2014. After thus becoming healthy and able again, I have still lost five of my best years in between. 
Not willing to budge on a serious breach of Human Rights - I appeal
I stride forward the best I can and as soon as I am done with this drawn-out court process, I hope to return to consulting which I'm good at. Until a real chance in court, with a jury and all, I am still broke and seriously need funding to appeal. 
Power abuse by government agencies has been rampant
I have much good evidence, clearly showing breaches of truth every which way by the government agencies involved. They've been busy not listening to truth of the formal powers of the company run bankrupt by a renegade board member. Instead, they have listened to the eager voice of the criminal. I find this utter strange. Per the European Human Rights Accords, there are six core articles breached by the criminal and thereby, by government agencies. They are articles: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8.
Financial need for funding
Taking the case to the next level has court costs (about 3,000.00 USD) and lawyer costs (the rest, at least). This is the highest court level before the supreme court – which very few cases qualify to be brought to anyway. Thus this is likely the first major round in court and the last one too. I do see that even though I have a sharp pen, being from the military (a LtCol) and having translated deep texts as well, I am not a lawyer. And to win over a tactically able but content-weak government, I still need a savvy lawyer. A winning team this time has to be more than truthful, it has to be tactically able too. 
I am here to ask for your help to stand up for Human Rights in my home country of Norway. For this murder of justice (and very close to a physical one), it is important to make the Norwegian Government take responsibility for their part in serious wrongdoing. Please help me, I need your support. A win here will help many. Thank you for any amount possible.
For more information please visit or click here

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