Monday, February 1, 2016

Wrongly Charged Single Dad needs Help

I am a single parent that has sole custody of my two girls. I am a small business owner and have been self-sufficient all my life. 

My sole aim right now is to get through this problem so I can get on with my life and raise my daughters.

Here's what happened. In early September of 2014, I was driving around with a buddy. It was a new truck and he wanted to drive so I let him. We were driving around a local lake, just checking things out. He had started drinking, so we stopped and I asked for my keys back. He got belligerent and angry and refused. I got more insistent and he took a swing at me. I defended myself by ducking and swinging back. He fell down and was not injured but he got back up and and came after me again. But before he could get to me, he fell down again and injured himself. Afterwards I was assaulted by police and to cover up the assault they charged me with a crime that carries 4 years in prison minimum. In today's legal system the charge is greater to basically scare you into a plea deal.

I take responsibility for my own actions. If I was at fault, I would own it and accept the consequences.

I have been offered a felony plea deal with probation but I refuse to accept a plea deal. I cannot lie and admit to doing something I did not do so I am fighting these charges to the bitter end.

The problem is, various people connected to this issue have been harassing me, and have interfered with my business to the point that I had to close down my shop and leave the county for feal that my life is in jeapordy. My home has been vandalized , my locks have been tampered with and my daughters and I simply don't feel safe in our own home.  Therefore I cannot afford adequate legal representation and I need your help.

Every last dime of what is donated will go to my legal defense. If there is anything left over, the remaining funds will go to someone else deserving of the same kind of help you have given me.

I am a bit reluctant to publish my court case number and county because I'm concerned that the prosecution will attempt to use it against me. However, if it becomes necessary to do so in order to reassure my potential benefactors that my case is real, I will take that risk.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I appreciate your support.
For more information please click here or visit 

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