Monday, January 4, 2016

Father Seeking Justice

My boy, Ricky, has epilepsy. On Wednesday December 16th Ricky had 7 Grand Mal Seizures. Once the seizures finally stopped he was in what is called a Postictal State. He did not know what was going on or who he was.
The hospital prematurely discharged him into my care. Ricky would not leave with me or his fiance because he did not know who we were. He just kept going back into the hospital to the only thing he did know - the gurney he was brought in on.
The nurses then called for police assistance because Ricky would not leave. The police tried to force him into my truck by wheeling him out while he was still on the gurney. In the end Ricky was arrested for responding to the officer's use of unnecessary force.
Ricky was supposed to get out of jail the next day but still being in the postictal state, he was unable to complete the necessary paperwork. It wasn't until 2 days later, Friday, December 18th, that Ricky finally came back to himself. The first thing he remembers was waking up Friday afternoon in jail, the last thing he remembered was being on his couch at home on Wednesday.
He had been awake throughout most of the time he was there but cannot account for any of it before Friday afternoon because of the Postictal State he was in. When I was able to pick him up, I noticed he was covered with bruises and open wounds from everything he went through.
We desperately need help with Ricky's legal and attorney fees so we can get this case dismissed and Ricky can start focusing on his health and healing.
Any amount will help, no matter how small, please give what you can but even if you cannot donate yourself, please share this so others have the opportunity.
All Ricky was guilty of was being sick and being refused the proper medical treatment he needed. Thank you.
For more information please visit Funded Justice or click here

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