The run up to Christmas of 2014 was hectic. Lauren worked herself crazy to make a beautiful Christmas for her children. With the house decorated, and the gifts ready to be wrapped, it was Christmas Eve. Her ex wanted to come over to help wrap gifts he said. Instead, he brutally assaulted her.
The next morning when I arrived to watch the kids open their gifts, Lauren lay on the sofa, her back to everyone. I thought she was exhausted and after trying to wake her a few times, and not knowing what had occurred, I left her sleep. It wasn't until later than night, after I had left, that I found out what her ex had done. My niece took her for medical care where she was diagnosed with a severe concussion, fractured ribs and some other injuries. From that moment on, Lauren began to change drastically. She became moody, irritable, aggressive, irrational, somewhat delusional and paranoid. My pleas for her to get help went unanswered. Her attacker was jailed for five months. During that time, she began to spin more and more out of control.
I talked to someone I knew at a branch of CYS of what to do and they said to let them handle it. They couldn’t force her to get help. They were coming out anyway due to truancy issues with Lauren's girls. So, I stepped back to let that process take its place. Instead, they removed the girls and when I heard they were, I called my son and he drove to his sister's, both of us afraid she would try to harm herself. I told them they didn't need to take the girls. Their mom needed help. Not more pain. They took them anyway. The next day, in a bad decision, she went with the wrong person who committed a crime and now she sits in a jail cell. The kids taken from the mom whom they love; and mom, so broken at her children being taken. The best thing she ever did was having and raising those kids. She was always an exceptional mom and her children display that in their behaviors, their empathy, the way they love one another. Mom just got very lost from being very sick.
I need a lawyer but they cost a lot of money. A good one is about ten thousand dollars. I found one who is more affordable but raising the funds is becoming a nightmare so I am asking for help. If you wish to be paid back, we can make arrangements. If you don't and give freely of your heart, then I thank you in advance and hope life is good to you.
For any woman who has ever suffered at the hands of a batterer, for any person who has watched helplessly as their loved one was battered or spun out of control mentally due to trauma, I beg you to donate what you can. Every amount help. $5, $10, even a $1.
Thank you for caring, for reading and for donating or at least sharing for others to maybe donate. May God bless you and keep you and yours safe.
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Visit www.FundedJustice.com
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