Please Help Me Defend My Parental Rights

I am awaiting to appear for an evidentiary hearing in August regarding Grandparent Visitation in Indiana. I had moved an hour and a half away last July with my son, who is now 12, and my boyfriend to help my boyfriend's mother. She had had a heart attack and was no longer able to care for herself. My mother had regular visitation with my son at the time, despite the distance. Soon after school began my son began failing his classes and he began lying and acting out at home. I started receiving emails and phone calls from his teachers, stating that he was going to fail their class. I needed to find out why. It was unlike my son to fail his classes and his conduct at home was also unusual. I told my mother that he would not be able to spend the night at her house until his grades improved. She still had visitation. We would drive to her house to visit and to have dinner and vice versa. She was able to talk to my son on the phone as well. She was unhappy with the amount of visitation that I was allowing until he raised his grades, she threatened to take me to court if I did not comply with her demands of overnight visits. There were many arguments between her and I. Multiple times I had to end her conversations with my son because she would make him cry. Her last visit she cornered my son and myself in a bedroom to tell us that she was taking me to court for visitation. This of course upset my son and myself and she was asked to leave. We had to call the police before she would leave. From November 1st until our first court date in December, she called over 100 times. She threatened me that my son would be taken away from me if I did not give her what she wanted. Since then, I have spent well over $6,000 to defend my choice as a parent to disipline my son for his grades and conduct, even though the only visitation that I denied my mother were overnights. I was granted a protective order, but settled to an agreement of no contact. She has violated the no contact agreement several times. She was also ordered to see a therapist before she could talk to my son. We have an evidentiary hearing set for August and my lawyer wants an additional $1500 for continuance of his services. This has placed a great financial strain on my family, we are currently in debt due to this, and for an addition $1500 to be ask from us... We are at a loss as to how to pay it. Since I stopped all contact between my mother and my son, my son has improved drastically, academically and his conduct at home. He went from failing is classes to finishing the school year with A's and B's. He also earned a science award. I am now asking for the kindness of strangers to help me continue defending my parenting decision to help my son in school and at home. Please help.
#ParentalRights #FundedJustice
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