I never thought it would get to this, but here I am and here is my story. I am the single mother of an amazing little boy who is my entire world (I know what mom doesn't think her son is amazing, but its the truth).
For eight years his father did not want to be part of his life, and I knew it was for the better, as shortly after I got pregnant with my son, I came to learn the truth about his fathers substance abuse issues. I know, I know, how did I not know?? Some people are good at hiding it, manipulating it, and after months of physical abuse, I stopped asking questions. I was young and afraid, but will never make that mistake again.
Cut to recent time, my son's father decided he wanted to be involved. Me thinking, he hasn't been involved for years and has drug/alcohol problems, they judge will laugh this out of court. He has never paid a cent in child support/medical bills/etc for 8 years!
This custody case has been going on over a year now, the judge continues to give him chances to "get clean" and be part of his son's life. His father has continued to refuse drug testing, his attorney continues matters to draw it out, and I am at my wits end.
I hired an attorney because I'm fighting for my son, my whole world. I am trying to protect him from an abusive drug user who he barely knows. I didn't realize this case would linger on and I am up to my neck in debt from attorney and court costs. I know there are so many other people in need of money at this time for medical costs, natural disasters, etc, and like I said I never thought I would be here, but I am struggling to pay my bills and need some assistance.
Even if you don't donate to my cause, I thank you for taking the time to read my story. If you do donate, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and promise that when I am back on my feet I will give back to those in need as I have always done in the past. We all just need help from time to time, and I am asking for a helping hand.
thank you.

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