My name is Zach Clark. I’m a Fire Fighter/EMT and am currently a full time night student for EMT/Paramedic. Last month my wife of 5 years dropped a bombshell on me and asked for a divorce. I am looking for assistance with my divorce fees. We have a 3 year old son together whom I am the primary daycare provider for during the day before I go to school during the evenings Moniday-Thursday. While I was pursuing a new career path and getting the schooling required in the state of Florida to become licensed Firefighter/EMT to give my wife and son a better life, my wife and I decided to start an online business to help with the bills and supplement income over the last year while I was in school. I would provide the daily child care for our three year old son, do the house hold chores, and run the back end of the online business while she would work days at her salon, and sang on our churches worship team on Sunday mornings. Everything was going great the last year while I was finishing up school, until last month. My wife got involved with someone on the worship team and came home from work one night in early September asking me for a divorce out of the blue. I was told she was tired of paying for everything (while we traded off with me
providing the child care, to avoid an additional bill) and that she didn’t love me anymore. She always came home to a clean house, I did the weekly shopping, and chipped in where I could all while being in school nightly. Currently my wife will leave for days at a time without even calling or asking about our son. She had taken him out of state with the new guy she met, without my knowledge of exactly where she is going, and was gone for over a week with minimal response to communication from me. To make things worse she also drained our checking account and put all of our money into a new one under her name, and has also bought a new truck, while only transferring under $100 every week and a half for our sons food and daily necessities.
I am asking for help, from the kindness of strangers to help me raise money to contribute my legal fees for divorce and child custody and to help cover the costs of child care while I finish the last three months of school and work to provide a life for my son. Every dollar raised will go to supporting my legal fees for myself and son in family court.
Being a first responder I am reminded of this verse:
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act. ~Proverbs 3:27
If you could please donate what you can to help a first responder in a time need, and share my campaign and story I will be eternally greatful. Thank you from the bottom of my heart in advance for any and all of your blessing!
~ Zach Clark

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