My name is Leon, father of a beautiful little 9 year old girl, named Karleona, who I miss so much I find myself not sleeping at night and breaking down in tears thinking about her. My ex-girlfriend of 15 years has controlled my time with her throughout our relationship and after, and now, after, has done everything to altogether prevent us from being together, or her talking to me. She's gone as far as getting a restraining again me over a verbal fight, almost 2 hours drive apart, on Christmas day eve, because she refused me any time with her. I guess I finally got tired of giving her everything her way, thinking i was keeping the peace for my daughter's sake, all the while my daughter and I were spending almost no time. She's moved her, to now, her 3rd school In 3 years, and this time further away. I am her loving father, she has my name and my name is on the birth certificate, but as the law stands, we weren't married, thank God, but because of that, as the mother, she gets her rights, as the father I have to pay lawyers and court fees to prove that I'm even the father. If the mother doesn't say, and sign paperwork, saying so voluntarily. I'm working so hard to pay the monthly bills, and on top of that deal with various health issues and costs, that I'm struggling to pull together any money to fight for my daughter and her right to see, and be influenced and raised by her loving father. As a proud, hard working person, I struggle with my pride asking for help, but it's taking a toll on my mental health, and i can't imagine the pain my daughter is hiding from her mother, behind her smiles. I also know, as someone raised without birth parents, how life as teenager and a young man was more difficult and I don't want her to struggle in life as I did, and far too many others have, and do.
PLEAESE,PLEASE help, if not for me, then for my daughter. The pain I feel without her, hurts unlike any I've ever known. She deserves to grow up being loved by her dad.
I believe my ex will do everything in her power fighting me. I'm positive it will end up going beyond proving paternity and a civil mediation for schedule of time, to paying for counseling, guardian enlightem being appointed(more lawyers who represent the child$$$), travel costs where she lives and on and on. Any help will be greatly appreciated. My only wish is to see and spend time with her this year, before its over.

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