My name is Shannon, I am the mother of three one of which is now a wrongly incarcerated young man. Timothy is the child of every mother's dream. Polite, loving, compassionate, intelligent, athletic, popular, charming, talented, respectful...the child, teen and young man that every adult says, "He is welcome anytime!", the type of young man that makes you proud. He was "perfect". Never any trouble in or out of school, even as a teenager! Nothing but good grades and admirable behavior. He had one girlfriend for 8 years, he held the same job for 7 years, he was a student at a California University and has dreams of being a teacher or therapist because he wants to help make a positive difference in people's lives. All of that has been stripped from him an he now sits in a cell, deprived of even time outdoors for the last two years. We are fighting desperately to free him but also to get the judgement against him removed. A judgement that will never allow him the life he deserves and has worked so hard for.
When he was sent to prison he was in full psychosis and not at all in touch with reality. He was waiting for his medication and became upset when they told him they did not have his medicine. The corrections officers, rather than helping him, beat him. One brought charges accusing Timothy of hitting him but all medical records prove it was self defense. Both officers had cut and bruised knuckles. One even had a dislocated thumb and according to the medical records these are all offensive wounds. The claim that Tim had punched one of them in the face proves false as there was no injury at all to his face, not a scrape, not a bruise, not a lump.
Timmy was injured and sent to the state hospital, Thankfully! It is also a mental hospital and they decided to keep him there for his incarceration instead of general population prison because he needed to be mentally stabilized. Because of this mixed blessing his mental illness was diagnosed, he is receiving treatment through therapy and medication and is "himself". He has a team of mental health doctors who work with him daily. They have nothing but praise for him, he was even elected to be the patient advocate for all other patients and he helps the other inmate patients in the therapy groups, helping them to read or complete assignments they cannot understand. His social worker even told me they have such high hopes for him they hope he will pursue his dream of being an elementary school teacher or a psychologist. He cannot do either with the felony.
The DA is now trying to charge him with a second felony strike and 6 more years for "hitting the officer". We need your help. This defense is extremely expensive but so important! Please help us raise the funds to save our son from these additional charges and to continue to appeal the first. Please help us to give a really good guy a chance in life. THANK YOU!

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