Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Legal Fees for my Dad - James Kemp

I’ve created this page to raise legal fees for my dad, Jim Kemp. My dad was falsely accused of a crime in Maricopa County, Arizona over 5 years ago by his former step-daughter, a disgruntled teenager who just wanted to be free of household rules and discipline. So, she decided to suggest “sexual misconduct” to a close friend who gladly disclosed this to others and before he knew it my dad was being arrested, interrogated and charged on these alleged sexual exploitation charges. He was placed in the Maricopa County JAIL in Phoenix in January 2010 and is still incarcerated in this same crooked jail (not prison) with its broken justice system run by the famous Sheriff Arpaio. My dad has held onto his dignity and maintained his innocence in spite of the horrific and corrupt conditions he has endured for going on six years now!  He has taken the high road, remained positive even in spite of their constant abuse intended to break your spirit, force you to admit guilt and ultimately accept a plea bargain so that their in-humane tactics and wrongful incarcerations are never discovered by the unknowing public.
My dad has refused the County Attorney’s plea bargains over the years and has had to endure the incompetence of several public defenders. He hired and paid for (with his own funds) a private attorney in 2010 who was fired by the judge at the time, on a technicality.  Apparently, his legal counsel’s discovery of evidence (tampered with by the prosecution) that would have exonerated my dad was bad press for the Mesa Police Department and the Judge did what she had to do to make sure this information was never made public.
Two months ago my dad was finally granted the trial he has been waiting on for almost 6 years!  The trial that would finally clear his name, allow him to get on with his life and get back to being the father my brother and I have known our entire life and finally have a relationship with his grandchildren. It’s important to note that my dad has been plagued with horrific kidney stone problems since his twenties, and this condition has been especially precarious throughout his incarceration, mostly because the correctional facilities failure to provide the correct diet and medical care needed to stabilize his condition. In fact he is close to complete renal failure of one, or both of his kidneys if he is forced to remain there much longer.
Less than a week into his long-awaited trial he was stricken with a massive kidney stone attack that put him in the hospital.  The Judge presiding over his trial (Honorable Judge Roland J. Steinle, III) unlawfully allowed his trial to continue while he was hospitalized and debilitated as a result of his kidney stones!  He wasn’t even allowed to be present during the rest of his own trial, he couldn’t object or comment and had to rely on his public defender to control statements and accusations made about him to the jury…a jury who eventually decided he was guilty, but only really heard one side of the argument!
I am trying to raise legal fees for him so that a qualified private sector attorney will be able to file a special petition with the Arizona Supreme Court.  This petition challenges the legality of my dad’s confinement and how his trial was handled in his absence.  Because his trial ended on October 8th, 2015 it is imperative that I raise the necessary funds quickly so these documents are filed correctly, and that the required summons are served swiftly to the parties involved all within a deadline that is quickly approaching. 
 There is no donation that is too small, and all are appreciated more than words can say.  Falsely accusing someone of sexual misconduct is the modern day witch-hunt and no one is immune from this. This could happen to anyone you know, a friend, family member, or co-worker. There is a trend happening today where innocent people are accused of sexual abuse of a minor, usually by a an ex husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, or step-child either for revenge or as leverage in a child custody battle without ANY physical evidence or the accused having any prior history of such a crime. Innocent people are accused, coerced into admitting guilt or taking a plea deal or even found guilty by a jury with no proof that the crime was ever actually committed. That means no DNA evidence that could prove the accused is innocent!  The motive or the character of the accuser never comes into question, only the allegations which set the stage for ruining an innocent person’s life!
For more information please click here or visit www.fundedjustice.com 

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