Monday, December 28, 2015

Spiteful ex girlfriend stalking and harassing new girlfriend

Not too long into our relationship, we were informed that money he was giving her for their daughter was being blown on wasteful junk. He decided not to give her cash anymore, instead just buy the baby's necessities. She was okay with this for a few weeks. Until one day, she messaged me telling me that he was a horrible father and that he needed to be giving her child support. Mind you, there's nothing in court ordering him to pay child support yet. During a conversation she initiated with me, she began insulting me saying "and frankly, I don’t fu$%ing like you because ever since your fat a$$ came into the picture he doesn't want to work with me anymore." and that was the beginning of the serious harassment.
She blocked me on Facebook after she sent that.
After multiple occasions of her texting him very inappropriate things of her trying to bring up their relationship and trying to resolve what happened and trying to talk about if he has any regrets and just plain reminiscing, I took to Facebook to vent. I posted a short vague status about the situation, on my personal Facebook, which she is blocked on TWO DIFFERENT ACCOUNTS, and she somehow ended up seeing this Facebook post, because she somehow monitors my Facebook and always has. She was not very happy about it.
Then, on the morning of Dec 11, she began texting me on my phone. She's never done this before, but she had my number from a time that he had to get in contact with her and his phone was broken.
She proceeded to tell me things like she can talk to him anyway she wants to and it's between him and her because she was there first. In addition, that I am only a rebound he feels trapped with because he got me pregnant and that he will always love her even if they can't be together again.
She finally stopped texting me, then started back up later that night telling me things like I will never be the mother of her daughter and that I will never replace her and even threatening to not let us have the baby for any part of Christmas. I figured out how to block her with my phone company, and didn’t hear anything after this interaction.
A few days later, I receive a phone call from the local police department. They ask me why I was harassing her. Of course, I'm taken aback. She is the one who has been harassing me non-stop for several months, and now she's decided to try to report me to the authorities. I was very upset that I had to take time out of my work schedule to deal with this after I had exhausted all of my efforts trying to keep her from contacting me. I have her blocked on 2 of her Facebook accounts that I know of, I have her blocked on Instagram, and Pinterest, and I even had to block her phone number from contacting my phone via calls or texts.
Of course, I explain the true story to the police officer. She told me that she had contacted her after getting off the phone with me, and left a message stating for her not to contact me, and that I will not contact her either. She told me that if I felt unsafe, that I should go to the court house and file for an order of protection, and she told her the same thing. So the next day, what did I do?
I filed for an order of protection.
Today, 10 days after our last interaction, a mutual friend of ours sent me screen shots of a Facebook status she posted today explain her "side of the story" and at this point I am truly afraid for my safety and absolutely am in need of an attorney to represent me for our hearing, and continuing on later.
In this post, she explained situations we've been through in a very twisted, manipulative, vindictive, and delusional manner. She went as far as to say that I was trying to be her daughters mother, and that I was stalking her, and passing by her work, and that she believes I had some sick obsession with my boyfriend while they were together. She was telling everyone complete lies about everything that had gone on, and proceeded to admit that she was no longer letting us see his daughter. 5 days before Christmas. All because I took the advice of a police officer who she sent after me, and wanted her to legally not be able to contact me any longer.
I have several witnesses to stand for me in court, but I am afraid that without a lawyer, our stories will not be taken seriously.
This woman is truly mentally and emotionally disturbed and this is her seeking revenge on us because we are happy and she is not.
The things I have told in this story is the short version unfortunately. There have been many more interactions than I could type, and many more conniving and manipulative situations she has tormented us with over several months, always using her daughter as a pawn against us to get what she wants.
I'm absolutely exhausted by dealing with her harassment and constant obsession with taking revenge on our relationship, and I just want her out of my life so I can be happy and enjoy my pregnancy with my loving boyfriend. I love her daughter, and I would never hurt her, and it is unfortunate that her mother cannot be civil or even less malicious towards me. I'm afraid for my safety, and for the safety of my family.
 I need an attorney.
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