Monday, November 23, 2015

Bring my father home

I am Jalen Vasquez, the son of Lewis Vasquez. My father didn't make the right decisions growing up and it cost him and my sister and me, as we missed growing up with a father. He missed the most important parts of our childhood. My father was sentenced 60 years serve 40 for burglary and criminal confinement, and has been gone since December of 2001.
When the courts re-sentenced him in 2010, they messed up. Therefore, now that they have corrected it his new out date is in 2023. He has 8 more years to do instead of just a couple months left. All this has hit him, me, my sister, his love, and my family hard. It has caused a lot of hardship and pain to him, my sister, our family and me.
I am trying to file for a modification for him. The lawyer wants $2,500. I have no help raising the money with me being a full time college student. The lawyer I have talked to says that he should be eligible for a sentence reduction. He has had time knocked off for good behavior, obtaining his GED and going through college-based classes.
What we are looking to get is one-year work release and 10 yrs. house arrest. I know that seems a bit unreal but that is just what he is asking for. The lawyer says that she believes he can get out on two years parole, a year and a half house arrest and he would have work release available to him. He has a job lined up for when he gets out, it’s at a foundry in which my uncles have worked for a long time and they worked it out with their boss.
By no means, do I agree with what he did but I think that fourteen years away from my sister and me is long enough. Over the years, I have stayed in contact with him but haven't seen him anywhere near what I should have. His side of the family is selfish and greedy, they don’t have anything to do with my sister and me and have hardly ever pitched in money either to put on his books or to buy him a care package.
So here I am asking for help. Anything that anyone can pitch in will help and will greatly be appreciated. He needs this chance to get out and be able to be with his kids and loved ones. In addition, we could use everyone’s prayers in this journey ahead of us. 
For more information please click here or visit 

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