Friday, September 23, 2016

Can you spare just a dollar?

Hi, friend. Can you help me with just one dollar? 
My name is RoseMarie. For over 30 years, I successfully ran and operated my own small business while raising three sons on my own.  The last thing I ever expected to do was create a crowdfunding page.  And it's very hard for me to ask anyone, especially strangers, for money or help. But, I find myself in that position now and a friend suggested I try crowdfunding.
At 59 years old, I'm still outrunning SLE/MCTD, survived two strokes, three heart attacks, numerous surgeries, a burst appendix, peritonitis, and a rare cancer. Even so, SSA says I don't qualify for SSDI. It's easy to see that any money I had was spent on health care. Now, I need to survive divorce without ending up homeless.

My adulterous husband deserted me 10 years ago after giving me diseases that cost me those surgeries I mentioned and several internal body parts, and now he has decided it's time to divorce me to make an honest woman of his paramour. He hired an A1 attorney knowing I don't have the funds to pay a lawyer. It’s terrifying walking into a courtroom without an attorney. I'm a very frugal person. I had a home that I paid off all by myself before we married 20 years ago and that he cajoled me into selling, and need to be able to stay in our home when we divorce. Physically, I'm just not up to another move and he promised I'd never have to move.

Most of my life has been spent trying to help other humans and animals in need so it's quite a strange feeling for me to be here asking your help. But, I promise you, that landing on my feet will allow me to continue to be there for others (humans and animals alike) when they need me, just like in the past and I will pay it forward.

Thank you for reading this whether you can help, or not.


For more information please visit Funded Justice or Click Here. 

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