Monday, August 10, 2015

1 Box At A Time

Our friend, David L. Madias, was misrepresented by the now disbarred Robert J. Kelley Jr. when trying to pursue his criminal negligence case related to his car accident on December 19th, 1991. It's quite unfortunate that David was not allowed a fair trial therefore, he was unable to convey to a jury of his peers the severity of his injuries. David sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury stemming from a subdural hematoma with shift and an intraventricular hematoma with a hemmorrage. During this 25 year trial, David was supposed to receive a special needs trust in the amount of $150,000 but to this date he has not received any monetary award. He still lives with the physical pain and mental impairments sustained in the accident however, much to our dismay it is thought that his unlawful attorney and family allegedly misappropriated his funds.
During our 11 month investigation it was founded that the DHS, DMAHS, HMS, and the entire CMS NJ organizations were lacking, and negligent in their subrogation units for TPL (Third Party Litigation) claims. Therefore, it was told to Mr. Madias by his attorney Robert J. Kelley Jr. and his family that he was responsible for a Medicaid lien in the amount of $223,285.67.
We have now learned through obtaining multiple medicaid audits that the HMS TPL Division has been run rampid with corruption since the inception of the HMS TPL contract dated from 1986.
Which brings us to where we are today, in hopes that with your help we can raise the necessary monetary funding for all legal actions needed to see that justice is done for our friend David L. Madias. We also are doing this to prevent any future victims from losing thier faith  in humanity, the corrupted  judiciary system and all governing bodies. 
Our mission during this investigation is to ensure that no other disabled individual whether born into or catastrophically created will ever have to endure the loss of their quality of life as our friend David has. 
Thank you for reading and hope you can support us in our endeavour. 

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