Monday, August 17, 2015

Fighting Wrongful Felony Drug Charge

My name is Shawn. I've just turned 28. I am an aspiring Musician, Chef and amateur mycologist (One who studies fungi). I have a beautiful girlfriend and a loving family. Unfortunately, like far too many others,  I am currently involved in what I feel to be an unjust predicament with the law that carries serious implications.

While there are certain things I can't say without potentially complicating things, I will go over what I think is safe to review at this time. Recently, There was an accident with an alcohol lamp in my apartment and a small fire occurred. I was able to put it out and was not hurt. However, because I had dialed 911, the fire department showed up, and when they did, they were suspicious of my mycological tools and equipment. They called the police to investigate, despite my explaining clearly and politely what everything was and is used for. Next thing you know, there is a warrant. 

They took thousands of dollars worth of items from my home, (some totally unrelated) as well as every cent I have to my name. I had about $3,000 I've been saving for years. This is not drug money. It's just money. Some from buying and selling various items online, some from pay checks, etc. I pay a lot of my bills in cash to the members of my family that I live with who handle them.   

I am now in the process of being charged with manufacturing of a controlled substance with intent to sell. That substance is Psilocybe Cubensis, otherwise known as The Magic Mushroom, among other names. Personally, I don't feel that this is a useful or necessary priority for law enforcement. Either way, in this case, it's simply untrue.  I am not a drug dealer. I'm a hobbyist, an enthusiast, and an aspiring professional.

The entire search was initiated because a syringe containing a multi-spore solution labeled as Cubensis was observed. This is not illegal where I live, even though they insisted to me that it is. It's not. It's illegal in three states, and this isn't one of them. While they may or may not have found active mycelium in their subsequent search, which is illegal, I believe their actions were fundamentally unlawful. They also went through a closet of mine and opened a sealed package of Petrie dishes that arrived while they were there (also without my permission). They tore my apartment apart and stole my belongings. My landlord is sure to kick me out if not my entire family. We have no money and nowhere to go.  

I need a reputable lawyer who specializes in these matters. It's my only shot. I don't deserve this. I'm not a dangerous person or a criminal. I don't need to be "rehabilitated" or "corrected". The biggest problem I've had with drugs, by far, has been with alcohol. In that regard, I have just over one year sober, and I did it all by myself. Since that time, I have been making strides, both as a person and in my crafts. I am not a threat or a burden to society or myself. I don't deserve to be in prison and I'm not equipped to be. At all. I have spoken to a few credible attorneys and the average fee seems to be  $10,000 flat. 

This conviction, if successful, will destroy my life. I've worked hard to be happy. It's been a challenging and often tragic road, but I generally try to keep a positive attitude and perspective. My mother is 65 years old and she has lost two children. This will kill her. It's a needless and devastating charge. Please help if you can and are willing. Every little bit goes a long way. We are decent people and we aren't simply trying to line our pockets with free money from strangers. We just don't have it and we don't know anyone who does. This is a nightmare and we just want it to end.

Thank you for your time.



P.s. I will upload a more presentable photo as soon as I have the time and have one available to me. It's the best one I had at the time, and this is of course a very time-sensitive matter.
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