I am a born planner, attending to every possible detail in my life.
I looked ahead and made sure that there would be no financial mishaps in my elder years.
I purchased every insurance policy available in order to have the security that everything would be taken care of without losing my life savings.
I stayed with the same insurance company since 1976, paying premiums, updating coverage, purchasing an umbrella policy in case of catastrophic loss.
One day, my male neighbor assaulted me on my property, bashing my head to the ground and I did the
only thing I knew, self-defended.
Then he sued….
Again, I felt secure financially, after all my policy stated coverage, including legal defense.
The nightmare began and continues.
Little did I know that the assailant also had the same insurance company.
This company is defending the assailant and not me.
They immediately assigned it to outside legal firms who went to work.
I have spent all my savings in legal defense and the end is not near.
Meanwhile, the assailant has 3 legal firms (2 assigned by the insurance company) defending him while I have one.
I stand to lose everything.
Please help.
All and any donations are much appreciated and perhaps the insurance companies will no longer
leave the elderly standing in the wind, pushed by every breeze that they concoct.

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