Hi, thanks for wanting to know more about our cause. My name is Sarah and my boyfriend's name is DeShaun. We are in the middle of a legal nightmare. To preface this I will explain I have many medical issues, I had a liver transplant and also have diabetes, hypothyroidism, stage 3 kidney failure, depression, anxiety, and have a lot of issues with getting dehydrated very easily. At the end of June I had an incident where I passed out due to diabetes and dehydration while DeShaun and I were having a conversation. When I passed out I fell to the floor and hit the side of my head pretty hard. When I woke up DeShaun was on top of me trying to prevent me from hurting myself, I was trying to slam my head on a tile floor and flailing around. However, when I came to I panicked and thought he was attacking me. Even though I came to I did not have my full mental capacity so I fought back with everything in me. I was trying to get him off of me. I was screaming and begging DeShaun to kill me, I don't know why as I do not want to die. I even went and got my gun and begged him to kill me. After all of this I was still not quite with it, I believe the fainting, the dehydration, and the adrenaline were impacting me. I ended up calling the police that night and gave them a story of what I thought happened. I thought he attacked me and tried to hurt me. The police pretty much made me go to the emergency room, while there I regained more mental capacity, I was confused and trying to figure out what was going on. I found out I gave a statement while I was there, as soon as I was with it I asked for the statement back as I knew it wasn’t right. The officer refused to give it back to me. It took me a couple days to realize what actually happened and I have been trying to fix it since. The DA does not believe me and assumes I am scared of him or dependent on him so I am lying and will not drop the charge. DeShaun and I have a great relationship and always have. He is a hardworking, loving, gentle, caring, and responsible man. He takes care of his mother and does everything he can for me. He is not a violent person and wouldn't hurt anything other than a spider.
I have started seeing a therapist because of the way I was acting that night. I am not a suicidal person and my life is probably the best it ever has been with DeShaun and his family. I have also been to many doctors to figure out what happened and how to avoid it happening again. DeShaun and I just want to move on with our lives and go back to planning our future but the DA is currently controlling everything. They will not budge on the charges, they are currently charging him with 2 felonies and 2 misdemeanors. He should not have any charges as he actually saved my life that night.
We have had to hire two lawyers to help us on this case, one for his criminal defense and the other to help make my voice heard. We are already over $12,000 into debt in just lawyer fees, and that does not include if it has to go to trial, court costs, or any fines or fees that are given to us. Unfortunately both of our lawyers both are saying that a trial may be the only way to get the charges dropped, that doesn't mean they will be, but we have to try. We are looking for help raising money to help cover the lawyers we already have and the cost of a trial. In addition to the legal fees I have had a lot of medical costs come in. We have already borrowed everything we can from our families, cashed in a 401K, and sold everything we can. We are desperate as the DA wants to charge him with the felonies that could put him in jail for something he didn’t do. Our next court date is Oct 31st, we are expecting the DA to offer a plea but they still want to charge him with a felony. We are going to try to get a continuation to allow us to keep working on our case.
If you can help with anything it is greatly appreciated. We are trying to find a way to pay our families back and continue to have legal representation. We also believe in paying things forward and do it on a regular basis and plan to keep doing it. I am not sure how, but I plan on doing something to help other people in similar situations, it’s not fair that the state can take over your life and you can’t do anything about it.

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