My name is Lindsay I am starting this fundraiser on behalf of My beloved cousin who suffers from mental illness. I am his legal guardian and only supporting relative.
On the evening of 9/22/17 he was experiencing paranoia symptoms and accidentally dialed 911 (trying to dial 411) When they answered, he believed the operator on the other end was one of the voices that he was hearing in head. He believed in his mind, that the operator was a woman named Jazz and that "Jazz" was not only tapping his phone but also watching him.through his cell phone, laptop as well as other electronic devices that were in our home. He began to question "Jazz" as to why she would do this to him, that he thought that they got along just fine as friends and wanted to know why she would do this to him, he even asked her if she would be willing to come by and see him that night so they could talk.
These series of calls (where he did not ask for help or medical assistance) were later traced to our home address in Queens. NYPD was dispatched to our residence, I explained to them that he was of no threat and was simply suffering from paranoia symptoms which led to the phone calls. I showed them his medication which was still good, as far as not being expired and explained that if he took his medication he would feel better. That his paranoia and or feelings of being unsafe, or watched would go away. NYPD refused to simply "hand" him his medication and called EMS who decided that he should be taken to the ER and re evaluated because his medicine may not be "strong" enough and that there was a possibility that he would need to be prescribed something "stronger". After some hesitancy on his part (my cousins part) we both entered the ambulance and headed for the ER.
We asked on more than one occasion to be taken to Jamaica Hospital Medical Center which was the closest hospital to us who also happened to have a Psychiatric center. They agreed, but on the ride I noticed that we were leaving Queens county and headed for Nassau county
They (EMS) refused to take us to Jamaica and instead took us to Franklin General ER which has no Psych Ward.
We arrived at Franklin General ER before 10pm Friday 9/22/17. His symptoms became worse, at triage we refused to sign a document which gave them permission to "treat" him ex: blood pressure, urine, etc and while they were not given permission to "treat" him they continued do so any way, threatening him with security if he simply questioned "why" or when he expressed his discomfort related to his PTSD. This went on for hours, whenever he simply questioned "why" or expressed his discomfort.
He waited for HOURS to see a doctor and even longer to simply get cleared by staff. During this time the staff mostly kept badgering him for urine, blood, ekg, etc. which made his paranoia worse.
Eventually he was screened via computer by a "Psychiatrist" I also spoke to the same "Psychiatrist" via telephone at the front desk who assured us both that he would be leaving within 45min to an hour and that he should make an appointment with his private doctor immediately afterward. We were both relieved, and I was extremely proud of him because he kept calm and did not let his PTSD symptoms get the best of him. A few minutes later they wheeled in a computer for another "Psychiatric" talk.... I was asked to leave. When they were done, we were told that he could NOT leave and had to remain there until further notice saying that he was unable to care for his self and that he seemed "disorganized"???
They moved him to another room, this room was dark, and had no toilet or sink. He expressed to the technician that was watching him that he did not feel comfortable going into the dark room and began to feel panicked because she once again threatened to call security if he did not comply.
Feeling extremely paranoid, panicked and trapped he rushed out the room past the technician and began to run for his life. Breaking down the double doors of the ER (off the hinges), and began running on foot to simple escape what he believed in his mind was a trap.
He was captured by Nassau County Police Department, brought back to the ER, where security officers began to beat him and put him in a choke hold! They security also went through my bag without my consent and even opened my personal laptop
The hospital then had him arrested for property damage and a staff member pressed charges because the chair he thew at the ER glass doors bounced off and hit them by mistake.
He is now facing felony charges and time prison. We cannot afford an attorney and the legal aid society has re assigned the case at least 3x. He went to the ER for help and came out in handcuffs. I'm very afraid for him.
I am his only supporting relative and the only one advocating for him. I've tried to reach out to his siblings (my cousins) for any help the could give and even stressed that if they could not help, I would understand completely. They have all blocked me. I don't know what to do we have some Attorneys quoting $7,500 and some quoting any where from $10,000- $15,000 as this case may have to go to trial.
Why didn't they transfer him to a hospital with a Psychiatric Ward when we asked?
Why did the treat him medically (blood samples urine ekg) when we did not sign consent?
Why was a medical tech watching him all night, we never saw his nurse?
I'm not one to ask for help but we are us desperate need of help. Any donations given will be greatly appreciated no matter how big or small. Please help. This has been a very stressful time I've absolutely no support in helping him and am currently experiencing heavy guilt for what has happened to him.
I thank you for your time and consideration. I am deeply saddened by this entire experience and they way my cousin was treated by NYPD NYC EMS and Franklin General Hospital ER. This experience has inspired me to become an advocate for mental health awareness. What happened to my cousin should have not have happened.. but most of all I DONT WANT ANYONE TO EVER EXPERIENCE what we to So many things went wrong that night. I can't help but wonder "what if" or "if only" I replay that night in my mind every single day and just break down and cry.

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