He'll I'm a single parent who is trying to save my son from going to jail for 15-40 years. Now this might not be a story that people want to her but here it goes,
My son is getting accused of having sex with a minor at a party. Now I know everyone will judge his case and say this is what he gets but. He is not a monster, as all these kids were drinking and having fun at this party. The girl is saying he forced her but he has a broken arm at the time. No one at this party did anything. He is getting screwed with this case, I hate to play the race card but l am, it's because he is Hispanic and the girl is white. I know my son needs to get punished but what is the years behind jail going to do for him. He is 20 years old with his whole life ahead of him. He needs help and no one cares that he does. Please help me raise money for a good lawyer which is $30000-40,000. This will give him some chance . This girl continues to party and not caring what gas happened to me and my family. How is this justice.

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