Allen Lint, Bonny Bee Rainville, and Stina Maria, were recently subject to a no knock warrant and raid by Federal Agents.
Following a false lead, agents tore their home apart, emptying every drawer and cupboard. Terrifying all the inhabitants human and pet alike, the raid was conducted in a manner which suggested they were dealing with FBI's most wanted. The reality was that, Allen was just returning from a hospital stay for impaired breathing, Bonny's mom had just recently started chemotherapy, Stina was suffering from intractable pain, and Bonny was under doctor's orders not to lift more than 15 lbs. Pretty frightening bunch. Although agents did not find what they were looking for, cannabis and psychedelics for personal and medicinal use were found*. This erroneous discovery is what any future charges will be based upon.
Because of a prior conviction for the manufacture and distribution of LSD, and with an obvious disdain for the Lint family's lifestyle choices, the powers that be have decided to make an example of Allen and his family, and will likely ask for a 20 year minimum in Federal prison.
This is an unthinkable and unacceptable outcome.
During the raid all of their monies and liquid assets were seized. I started this campaign to help Allen and his family raise the money needed for a top notch defense, and to help cover day to day expenses while they recover from the shock of being overrun and terrorized by Law Enforcement.
These are good people just trying to live their most authentic lives, and to be of service to their community. They are no strangers to adversity but this is a fight they can't win without all of their friends and family coming together and providing the support and resources they will need to get through this.
My ask that we all give what we can, as often as we can, to make sure they land on the other side of this struggle, safe and sound, and with as little bruising as possible.
Nothing is impossible when good people, with a common purpose come together.
Blessings to all,
* allegedly
I am a private individual and no admission or finding of fact should be construed from my personal comments.

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