Stef and Dylan Todd opened The Outdoorsman sporting goods store in Arroyo Grande California less than one year ago. Stef and Dylan are the picture of the American dream just trying to survive as small business owners and support their family.
The Outdoorsman sells a variety of shooting/hunting/fishing gear. With their Federal Firearms License (FFL) they sell all sorts of firearms and perform all of the necessary paperwork for private party transfers of firearms.
During a California DOJ inspection, a conflict between a local court order and DOJ regulations lead to charges being brought against the Todd's.
While these charges against the owners of The Outdoorsman will certainly prove to be unfounded, Stef and Dylan have already spent $9,000 dealing with this mess and will most certainly incur a lot more legal fees & lost income from this mix up.
The shop is still open for business with some restrictions on what firearms they can sell until this mix up is straightened out. PLEASE stop by the shop and show your support to the Todd's.
Funds donated here go directly to The Outdoorsman.

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