My name is Sarah. I am 31, a single mother of three amazing children of whom are 10, 7, and 3 months. I am also a recovering Alcoholic. I would give the shirt off my back to anyone in need. Alcohol has not defined me as a person. It is a disease that I battle every day much like Parkinson or crones. I am an active member of my local AA group that I attend 3 times a week. I also work closely with my sponsor whom I am grateful has been there to help guide me on my journey to sobriety.I am also an active participant in an outpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation program. I am using the tools that I need to on a daily basis to stay sober.
I am not trying to run from my past or to get out of facing the consequences of my actions. I will admit that I have become violent while being under the influence. I have had my children removed from my custody because of my drinking. Which I am happy to report that my children are back living with me now, it was the worse summer imaginable for them and I alike. I started out giving birth to my son in May. I was homeless, alcoholic who had no where to go. I was in a pool of self pity to say the least. I felt so sorry for myself when my kids were placed in foster care that I eventually cracked. I had a relapse on Fathers Day that led to my third DWI. Since my relapse I have made astronomical strides in my life that had been long over due in my struggles with sobriety.
I now have my own place which I reside with my three children that I take care of full time. I have racked up a lot of legal fines and restitution that the three different counties my drinking episodes took place in. I am working as a waitress making 3.74 an hour and only work 15 hours a week. I simply am not able to make my court payments and I don't see any likely hood of my situation changing in the near future. My current dwi charge is what scares me the most. The prosecuting attorney is wanting to push for me to go to the Department of Corrections to go to a 120 shock treatment. If this happens I lose everything, my home, custody of my children. Everything I have worked so hard to accomplish since June will all be done in vane.
My only hope is that I can request a program called DWI court. This is a new program for alcohol related offenders in my community and the cost for treatment is all done at my expense. I have to be able to prove to the judge I can afford it first and foremost to be considered because even though I am a perfect candidate for the program it is very costly and on top of my other court costs and restitution fees, and working a job that accommodates my treatment schedule I can not afford it. The program is roughly 3000 for a year to 18 months where I will get weekly UAs go to court once a week and meet with the judge as well as my probation officer, and my substance abuse counselor and continue to strive in my efforts to live a sober life with my children.
I admit that I have made mistakes. Most of which Alcohol was at the very center. I am for once in my life approaching sobriety with no reservations of future drinking but accepting I am always going to fight to stay sober, and thats a fight I am willing to make the rest of my life.
I am asking for a hand up not a hand out. I have always been the first to give to anyone in need and now I am asking for help not because it is an easy way out but because I absolutely have exhausted all other options. I either get my legal matters paid or I go to prison and lose everything.
I ask of you to please find it in your hearts to help me with anything you can as my grand total for all fees currently due in the other counties and for the dwi court treatment is roughly 8500 total and that doesn't include the cost of a decent attorney, I currently have a public defender as my representation. I know if I clear up my fines and the costs associated with the DWI treatment program the judge will definitely consider me for the program thus keeping me with my children and out of prison and continuing to make improvements in my life.
Would please share my campaign with someone who might be able to help after helping with anything that you can. Time is running short before my disposition hearing and I believe in God so your prayers are more than welcomed too. If he could pull me out of the darkness of my alcoholism I was trapped in for so many years then he too can send the right people to cross my path that can help. Thank you so much for reading my story. Thank you so much for your contributions even if it is only a prayer. I am grateful you took the time to read and reflect on my situation. Thank you and God Bless!