My name is Julian White. I'm 32 years old and the proud Father of 3 children. I'm currenty enrolled in Columbus State studying to get my associates degree in Graphic Arts & Digital Media. I am also enrolled in Full Sail University online to receive a degree in Music Production & Engineering.
One month ago I was the proud Father of my 3 kids, in my beautiful relationship, and had just purchased our first home.. For the 1st time we had what heeded to raise our children and have a nice life together.
But things began to change. I noticed dramatic switches in her behavior which caused me to investigate. She became extremely irate distant, and disconnected. She began finding reasons to constantly leave the house and extremely secretive. And for the first time in 14 years physically violent.
Not wanting to accuse her of anything she hasn't done, I began to search for answers. What I found on July 16th has since then tore my entire world apart. Heroine. I found heroine in our medicine cabinet. It was barely hidden and accessible to my children. Then I realized that it was everywhere in our house. In the cabinets. Under our bed. In our children's laundry.
I immediately asked her what it was and where it came from but she refused to answer me. She refused all knowledge of it whatsoever. As you could imagine this caused a series of escalating arguments and new problems.What I intended to be a custody battle is now domestic and criminal. We now have C.P.O'S {Civil Protection Orders} against each other. I have NEVER laid a finger on her in a violent manner, have never had any violent offenses, nor am I violently aggressive towards her. Feel free to check my record at any time.
Now I'm fighting. Fighting for custody, justice, and the truth. I've been a great Father to my children and love them more than anything or anyone in the world as any Father should. I've had very little help in proving that she is on drugs, but I do have proof. With Ohio being a Mom 1st state,her constantly fleeing because she doesn't want to get caught, and her friends and family not only taking her side with total bias, but are in fact, enabling her to continue to use heroine.They don't believe me. Flat out. These types of injustice are destroying families and granting the wrong parents rights they don't deserve and must come to an end.
The harsh reality is that I'm a black man, and she is a caucasian woman. If I ever physically harmed her I would have been arrested by now. As you're reading this, I'm still a free man. The problem is that the courts asked me to leave the house. I work from home. All of my necessities to work are at the house, but under court order, I'm not allowed to acquire them until the case is over. This has left me in a bad situation. I'm broke. I have to way to make money at the time. I've repeatedly asked the courts if I could get my equipment given the circumstances, but have been denied every time.
I desperately need to hire legal representation but I don't have any means to do so. The hearing is set for the 28th of August, 2017. I have less than 2 weeks to prepare. Again, I have everything I need to win the case.I possess every police report filed, every piece of documentation from the courts, and video evidence of the drug use in our home. I have done everything that the Law has suggested and required. My fear is getting a public defender who is not passionate about presenting my case and not achieving the outcome I need for my kids.
If you're not aware there is a serious heroine/ opioid epidemic in Ohio. It's claiming lives every few minutes. There have been over 300 heroine related deaths this year due to overdose. I don't want my children to fall victim to such a fate, or allow them to witness it first-hand from their Mother.
I don't know exactly what I did to deserve what I'm going through. But I do know that Phoenix Hope, Jaylen, and Zariah Zee don't deserve the fate they will suffer from if I lose this case. Please, please, please find it withing your hearts to help me. I am innocent and my children are too. Anything will help. Thank you for taking time to read my story.
Daddy of 3

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