Overview of what the 'Unite The Right' protest was about:
Charlottsville Virginia there was a protest to keep an historic landmark regardless of what it stood for and the rights to be heard to not be forced into the shadows as they believe there rights as a citizen and there rights politically were being trampled on from the political left.
A little background:
On August 12th 2017 In Charlottsville Virginia there was to be a Protest rally by all political spectrum wanted to protest the Landmarks right to there.
A while before this event a group an extremest counter-protest group and others like them were making threats of violence against the protesters if they showed up to the event. They had all the legal paperwork done to protest there at that location. after the threats began protesters filed for a relocation to the courts and were denied even though it was clear as day the evidence pointed to possible provocation that then became reality on the day of the event.
On the day The City Charlottsville Virginia officials ignored safety concerns. Allowed counter-protesters with arms length of the protest group. This should have never happened for safety reasons. Police had there ability to do any thing limited as well as there numbers cut. This were the city had negligence they failed to protect participants on all sides people got hurt and many were killed and injured during this event.
Counter-protesters and why they are important here:
A extremist group called Antifa was one of the counter-protest groups with an Ideology that dictates republicans are bad, to blame people by violent means,& to leaking there's personal information to steal there identity by hacking and stocking said person posting it on there websites for others to harm that person regardless that persons affiliation this is not okay.
There identified by: Wearing black masks/face coverings, black and red flags, and there eagerness to fight any one they disagree with.
BLM or Black live matters was also there. BLM is an extremist Black power/black supremacy group that values there race before any concerns about community & are anti-police in which police are evil there for they preach about how to stop the police by unlawful means and many of there ideology to risk the life of an officer/own by .There slogans are 'pigs in a blanket fry like bacon' is a favorite anti-police slogan, 'Whites must die' & advocate for White genocide in both African studies courses by professors and by BLM themselves. There are known to become enraged and often violent at the sight of a white person because of there deeply held Ideological beliefs that white people caused there situation.
You can identify them by: The Black Power fists hand sign, There BLM banners, there hostility towards whites & cops.
What the extremest counter-protesters & protesters did that the City officials ignore/let happen:
The extremist groups were brandishing weapons knifes, sticks, hair spray used as a flame throwers, rocks, glass bottles weighted gloves, and more as the protesters had there flags some also had shields & body armor as a protective measures after learning of the city/state/courts/police failure and negligence over safety concerns. There as a militant group called the first order i don't know much about them but I know that they came with guns as bruit force to protect the protesters not a shot was fired and was not enough to help as the police turned a blind eye. it started to go south when the extremist groups stormed the protest barricades that were meant to keep the protesters safe. But in reality it just made it easier for the extremist groups to find them. While there was no place for counter protesting. While the officers had limited presents & authority to stop it while turning a blind eye while allowing it to happen. Only after the media got wind of this did they send in any one to break it up police/national guard/riot officers ect.
How you can help:
I erg you to donate to the legal fund and we can sue the city of Charlottsville, VA for its negligence over there lacking to protect the city, its bystanders, and the people involved. Only after it was over did Charlottsville city officials do any thing issuing a statement to scapegoat issue onto the protest group while parsing the other groups that were it. this could have been prevented from getting this far and Charlottsville knew it. Never once taking responsibility for there miss handling of the event and allowing both sides to get into arms reach of one another.

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