Have you ever been betrayed by your sibling, a parent or any family member? I have and my name is Alexandra. This situation has caused me to have anxiety and depression. Every day I wish for K (my son) to be here with us; me, his little brother he's never met and my boyfriend of almost 5 years. Every day I wonder if he's ok, what he's learning and what kind of person he is growing up to be. This is our real life story of being betrayed, tricked and deceived.
I accepted responsibility for making poor choices as a young mother (became one at 17) and learned I had to pull my life together and make better decisions. After talks with my mom and brother, I agreed in March 2014 to allow my brother and his wife to take my son in temporarily. Having people I trusted helping appeared to be a great opportunity to get my life back on track. It was my understanding the temporary guardianship I was signing was strictly for medical purposes only and this was to last until we found a new home (I could no longer keep up on the repairs it needed).
Unfortunately my mom, cousin, brother and his wife were lying about my boyfriend and I to the point nobody wanted to help us. Any gratitude we had was shattered. By July 2014 my family turned their backs, our sub lease was up and we had been unsuccessful in finding a home before it expired. We had one more option before going homeless. We chose to reach out to my boyfriend's mother for help in Idaho. She agreed to take her son, me and my son in until we established. I informed my brother and his wife of the decision to pick up my little man and move. On 7/29 we attempted to pick him up to move to Idaho. Fearing they would refuse to him back we called the cops to assist us. The cops went to his home. He told them they had custody (at the time we didn't know guardianship was different from custody) and that him and his wife had a court date for 7/30. The cop didn't ask for proof and still sided with them.
On July 9, 2016 after nearly 2 years of being alienated from my son I finally had someone questioning what happened; my older sister had sent me a message. I have had a stable home for 2 years and maintained two jobs, raising my second son with my boyfriend/father to my 2nd child while he furthered his education. I answered all of her questions and all the questions her husband had, they jumped right in to help us. She gathered all the information she had access to from Facebook, text messages and Facebook messages. The problem with this? Any evidence I have gathered the last two years and anything she managed to gather is nothing without a lawyer. My case is at a standstill.
December 2016, just before Christmas I was arrested at my job for falling behind on child support. CS is a choice requirement for temporary guardianship (meaning you can have the document stating CS is not needed/requested) but it can be forced under full guardianship. We were able to find help in paying the bond and I was released after 5 days. It was after being released that I learned they didn't have temporary, but had full guardianship; this is how MI was able to require child support. Now you may be asking yourself how I didn't know they had full guardianship.
Remember 7/29/14 where my brother told the cops they had custody and a court date for 7/30/14? Court documents show they had no custody, no guardianship and no scheduled hearing on 7/29/14 (the day my boyfriend and I tried to pick up my son). Turns out the paper I signed on 3/15/14 weren't submitted to the courts and it had nothing to do with giving them permission to get emergency medical treatment for K, it was temporary guardianship. Legally, these are two different forms. The same day they filed for temporary and full guardianship they had a hearing (also confirmed in my court documents). According to the court, all mail for my case was sent to my old address despite my brother and his wife having our new address. This includes the papers for the hearing on full guardianship on 9/8/14. I found all this out when I obtained documents in January 2017.
Here is the current situation on my case: My boyfriend and I thought we could resolve this without help and have met the stipulations my brother and his wife gave us. Each time these goals were met they would add a new stipulation. We now see that it has done nothing to meet their expectations and realize this cannot be resolved without asking for help. we need help retaining a lawyer. My sister and I have raised half of the lowest retainer fee quoted but that is just the base cost, not full. We also need help with airfare to MI from WA state for court dates (hotel not needed). Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
We sincerely thank you for all your help and support,

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