Hello my name is Erica delatorre I am a single mother and I have two disabled children. My oldest son is a 6yr old disabled minority in the state of Idaho he currently has 3 cases of child abuse one from school 2 from therapy places I blew the whistle on 2 of them one of them is a school and the other one is a therapy place my son's case is currently extremely high profile the US Department of Ed and office of civil rights currently investigating it. I have been retaliated against by 3 local police departments because they are trying to cover up the abuse that everybody put upon my son. If you could please help me with my lawyer fees I'm trying to add children and parents to The Whistleblower protection act. I have gone all the way up to my state U.S senator to try to get this fixed. He strongly suggested me to get a lawyer for this and I stated to him I'm too poor to get one right now.

Her hand print.

This is the parent that hurt my child.

The first case the school abused tortured and neglected my son I have caught them committing labor fraud and torturing him by mechanically restraining him to the wall with the huge gym mat to the point where he could not move or breath I was so in shock I could not scream I try to record it but I felt like I could not find the recording button on my phone. My son and I have been retaliated on but my son got it worse. I was posting on a private support group and telling other parents with disabled children what was going on at my son School little did I know there was a leaker that would tell them what I was posting because disability rights got flooded with phone calls I have told the district they did not care they allowed them to hurt my son even more everyone at the school and District knew what was going on with my son and other disabled children. I have called the local police department multiple times to try to have them help me protect my son they refused to help. the school violated the Privacy Law and gave the police department my son's entire case of incident reports which influence their decision on not to help protect my son. The school has allowed a parent to sprain and bruised my sons wrist/hand. More than 23 + adults were involved in torturing my son and other disabled students one District personnel all special ed staff sad thing including some parents. I have been kicked out of school multiple times. I guess it's against the law to protect your child in Idaho (sarcasm). I have received 2 loitering charges one from the old school board trustees and one from The New School Board of Trustees because another leaker gave them access to my 16-page grievance letter. The state school board had an investigator investigating what I was complaining they supposably found nothing wrong. I did tell the investigator that office of civil rights is currently investigating it. I know in my heart he is smart enough to recored their conversation. Because he did agree to all what I was complaining about when my son's advocate and I were telling him everything.

The 2nd case a therapy company therapist hit my son really hard that she left a mark I was in the lobby I could not intervene because they had the door locked I got very upset at the secretary and told her to open the door now I walked as fast as I could to where my son was because I heard a loud thud and heard him crying saying ow ow ow. I'll ask my son what she did he did not know how to explain it he was too scared and I told him to look at me he try to explain but I told him to show me he hit me where she hit him and he's not as strong as her and it hurt me I grabbed my son I stopped the middle of the hallway and looked up his shirt and there was a mark I told them I'll call the police right away. I called the police they took a picture of the mark they went inside they came out and started harassing me stated that my son was going to get battery chargers and a misdemeanor I told them I did not care I got tired of being harassed and left. I called the police department and complain and the officer told me he was going to call the other officer to have them write a report will I got the report back and they are discriminating against my son they stated because of his age and disability they will not be writing a report which is againts the law.
The third case is the other therapy place his habilitative interventionist drag my son out from the top of the play area in Burger King all the way down into her car by one hand she has re-sprained his wrist she hit my son really hard in the head pick him up by that one arm threw him in the her car and he hit his head on the opposite side of the door. She also committed labor fraud my son told me that she was not watching him she was talking with friends. She also committed Medicaid fraud by having me sign blank pieces of data paper I always asked her what she was working on with my son and she would never tell me. She did tell me one time supposably she had an amazing memory and would write it down the end of the day.
I have been retaliated on multiple times I have had CPS called on me twice one I believe by the 3rd case they stated that I was starving my boys and I had no food in the house an officer came looked in my pantry stated that's not true couple days later the CPS came stated the same thing there was nothing wrong. The second time a place that is supposed to protect the abuse victims called CPS on me because my son told me what they did they try to have my son to state that I am the one abusing him. He ran away and they lost him for quite some time they made up this elaborate story and I realize how did they know he had a bad 4th of July. I come to realize they have been listening to my conversation.

I am asking all if you could please help me with this good hard long fight that I'm struggling with all on my own. I've currently lost more than 15 lb since all of this happened. It is currently not on the news because I believe that the news was paid to not tell my son story. And if any reporters want to contact me I am willing to talk I I'm not fibbing I have tons of evidence and I know I could win this case I just need the professional help that knows the laws better than I do. I do not want any other family to ever have to endure this horrific experience that my family and I are being put through right now. Thank you for reading my son story and if you are not able to contribute if you could at least please share his story my son wants to be known as a hero for trying to protect his other disabled students from getting abused tortured a neglected more.

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