The story begins May 29, 2017. My sons were home with my ex-boyfriend (we will call him Bob), while I was at work. My oldest boy was in my room playing on the game system while the younger brother was across the hall in the bathroom taking a bath. My oldest boy asked Bob for a hotdog, then my younger son shouted from the tub that he wanted one too. Bob gave the boys both a hotdog. The boys began to talk and laugh back and forth, like they do, from across the hallway. Typically, at the dinner table they have contests to see who could take the biggest bite. I imagine if I was there, they would be doing this while playing and talking back and forth between the hallway while eating their hotdog. Bob heard it go quiet, then went and checked on my youngest boy in the tub. When he asked him if he was ready to get out, my youngest boy didn’t answer. He repeated his name and still no reply, but my son turned his head toward Bob. Bob saw the off look on his face so Bob pull him from the tub and put him over his shoulder while patting his back to try to get him breathing again. When he couldn’t, he called 911 and the lady walked him through how to do CPR to keep him alive until the ambulance came.
Bob did everything he could to get him breathing and only paused to call 911. The lady on the phone instructed him in CPR and he was able to keep my son's heart going until the ambulance arrived. Upon arrival, they removed a 1 inch piece of hotdog. My son's brain lost oxygen causing brain damage and hospitalizing him with tubes. Upon awaking he was forced to relearn everything all over again.
I thought this was the worst thing I could ever experience, my son nearly losing his life, until the next night when I was informed my sons were being taken and was escorted from the hospital. The state is recommending permanent termination of my parental rights with no services being offered for reunification. Currently I am able to see my eldest 1 time a week and my youngest every day while he is in rehabilitation. My boys see each other one time every other week, which is sad because they love each other so much and used to be with each other every day. When they finally did see each other about 1 1/2 months after the incident, my eldest boy was surprised to see that his brother couldn't get up and run around with him, but was understanding. The fact that my youngest couldn't yet, didn't stop him trying to get up and play with his brother. Every day they see each other it encourages him to do more.
I am very thankful that the state has allowed me to be at the rehabilitation center with him everyday. Every day I am with him I help him do any exercises after his therapy sessions are done, including physical, speech, and occupation sessions. He is making great strides and is now crawling, using a walker, talking more, feeding himself, standing for a few seconds unsupported, and finally recently took a few steps. Much of this has to do with my son and my presence at the center to help him practice more after their sessions are done. My son is now ready for discharge from the rehabilitation center. This makes me nervous because at that time my visitation will be reduced to 1 time a week like it is for my eldest. I am nervous to see how his progress will be affected. It breaks my heart to think that I won't be able to be there to hold him and help him through these hard times. It is very hard for me to be away from my boys, but it is harder for me to see the hurt it is causing for my boys to be away from each other.
I will do anything to help get my boys back, including traveling 1½ - 2 hours to visit my children everyday day I am allowed. I have enrolled in parenting classes, counseling, and travel to see my kids every chance I get. I need help to afford legal fees to get an attorney that will represent me. The dependency court system is not easy to navigate through and my public defender has not helped me be heard in the court room or understand what I need to do until my next court date.
Please share my campaign or contribute money. My next court date is in September and I will need to pay a retainer of $3,000 before they will begin looking over the documents. I need a total of $10,000 for an attorney to represent my case. Any support will be appreciated!
Thank You and God Bless!

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