My name is Robert Paupore, and I am trying to raise enough money to defend my friend Monica Alexander whom I have known well for 22 years. I am her closest friend and the only person she trusts. Monica is a 40-year-old Native American woman with a mental condition and a Methamphetamine addiction. Monica spent most of her life suffering from hallucinations, both visual and audio, depression, and bipolar disorder. At the age of 7, Monica stayed home from school with the flu. She was a tiny skinny girl indeed no match for defending herself against her much larger Uncle who raped her that day and continuously after that. During that time, Monica had trouble controlling her bowels and bladder and was quite often sent home from school. Other times she would be sent home with head lice or other very humiliating conditions. As the rapes continued and nobody would listen to her. By age 12 her psychiatric symptoms were noticed, and she began treatment. Monica would soon learn that alcohol and recreational drugs would seem to relieve the symptoms to torment her. Monica could not tell anybody about her symptoms because it people considered her just being just silly. Nobody would listen to her about either her psychiatric symptoms or about being raped.
Monica was forced to smoke Methamphetamine and quickly became addicted to it. Whoever she was with would give/force drugs to her where she often didn’t know where she was or why she was there. Monica would often become aware of her surroundings unable to recognize where she was who the people where she was with or how she arrived there. The local Department of Human Services (DHS) allowed her son Chazz Alexander to stayed with me until his father Lawrence Alexander became released from prison for brutally assaulting his wife. Chazz loves staying with me and still does most of the time. At that point, Chazz was not allowed to be with his mother without his Dad or me being there. After a short stay with me once released from prison, Lawrence Alexander and Chazz found an apartment near Monica’s apartment. The two adults clashed. At some point, Chazz, 14 years old at the time, went to his mother’s apartment looking for food. As stated above, he was not supposed to be there without his father or me. Why Chazz was looking for food is unknown. Chazz, understandably, did not like what was happening to his mother. Not knowing any better, he could not understand why his mother behaved the way she did. Chazz took this very personal, and they would often clash when together. While Chazz was in his mother’s apartment looking for food apartment they clashed. Within a week or so, the DHS took pictures of Chazz who had a scratch on his face and a bruise on his back. According to Chazz, Lawrence Alexander will strike the boy at times. The questions are, did Chazz have bruises before he went to his mother’s apartment? Could he have acquired them after he went home? Does Monica have the strength to cause those injuries to occur? Perhaps most importantly, why was Chazz at his mother’s apartment looking for food? Monica is currently in Comanche County Detention Center in Lawton, Oklahoma since February 7, 2017, facing 6.5 years in prison, no time served. She has no money to defend herself.

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