Parental Alienation is when one parent manipulates the mind of a child to make them reject the other parent. This is often done because one of the parents is seeking revenge against the other for a failed relationship.
The 2 Videoson this page are there to show you what we are going through.
Video 1her being picked up on a normal day. She is happy and excited to be coming to Daddy's house for a fun filled day of play and games.
Video 2is what happens to her after my psychopathic ex wife has been filling her head full of lies about me. My ex wife is psychologically abusing my daughter to make my own daughter feel scared of me. She does to my daughter because of her own hate for me she wants to separate me and my daughter to punish me for leaving the relationship.
This video is not easy to watch but if you wait until we start driving away you will see how quickly my daughter changes back to being her normal self. My daughter knows that she is safe when she is with her daddy.
I have been in the court system for the last 4 years fighting to be a father in my daughters life. So far it has cost me over 30,000 dollars of my own money. Over this time I have had some small wins, I've managed to increase my time from 1 hour supervised each week to 8 hours unsupervised. But to get to see my daughter overnight I am going to have to go to a trial in October.
Things were looking relatively straight forward, there wasn't really any reason for the courts not give me what I am asking for and I would have been able to win this trial with my current lawyer and then pay off the fee over several years on payment plan.
I have been picking up my daughter and taking her out every Saturday for a couple of years now and mostly everything was fine.
But my ex wife can not control herself. Eloise would say things to me like "Mum said I shouldn't love you Dad" or "Mum said you're not my family dad" and of course it was shocking and disturbing to hear her say these things but I managed. I knew that my daughter was being abused but I was confident I could overcome it by showing my daughter that I love her and that she can trust me. It was just good to be able to see her and she was always happy to see me, we do have a very close and loving relationship which I am thankful for. Even though my ex wife makes everything so difficult for me I have never given up on my little girl.
But now we have the trial coming up, and my ex knows that because everything always goes well between my daughter and I when we are together, her chances of being able to control the time Eloise and i spend together are looking very slim. The court wouldn't have any reason not to allow her to stay overnight with me.
So my ex-wife has started manipulating my daughter to be scared of me. When I go to pick Eloise up she comes out of the door of her home crying, screaming and refusing to get into my car, my ex-wife records it on her security cameras and then puts that in to the courts to say that I am hurting my daughter and that's why she is scared of me. Now my ex is using these recordings and saying that it is so bad that she is now considering cutting all contact between me and my daughter for good and is going for sole custody.
These false accusations could not be further from the truth, there is no part of my mind, body or soul that could ever do anything to hurt my darling little daughter.
It is so painful to see this happening to my child. My ex wife is abusing my daughter and there is nothing that I can do to stop it.
I knew that this was what my ex wife was up to. I knew she was going to out those videos into the court to try and manipulate the magistrates decision. So that is why I started making my own recordings to show the court that me and my daughter truly love each other and that she is not in any danger when she is with me.
Eloise also has a whole extended family including her loving grandparents and uncle, but she has barely been able to get to know them because of the limitations imposed by my ex-wife on my time spent with her. I've never even been able to take my daughter to my home town to meet my own brother.
The problem is that what should have been a straight forward decision for the courts to allow a loving father to spend more time with his daughter is now a complicated matter. The lies and manipulation of my ex wife means that we will have to go to a trial. Both me and my ex wife will face cross examination over the evidence submitted.
You might think that it's easy for the court to see the truth and that my trial will bring a good result. But the problem is that Parental Alienation is not even a recognised term in the family court system. It is recognised as child abuse by thousands of health professionals and leading psychologists but the courts do not accept it. This is mainly because the courts don't want the responsibility that comes with identifying it and making decisions based on this.
So now I am heading for trial and I need to prove the truth of what is happening to a magistrate so the court will make the best decision for my daughter. The only way that I can do this is with the help of a Barrister. A lawyer is just not good enough for this job and I wont risk my daughters safety.
A Barrister is going to cost about 20,000 dollars. I simply can not afford this on my own and that's why I am asking for your help.
All of my spare cash has gone into getting things to this point and if I had more so could pay for it myself I would. But I just don't have it. So if you can please make a donation to my cause, you will be funding a fight for a little girl to keep her loving and caring father in her life.
I understand that not everybody can help but a share on social media is worth just as much.
In the case that I am able to raise an amount above what I need all other proceeds will be donated to the Eeny Meeny Miney Mo foundation. They are a not for profit organisation dedicated to raising awareness of Parental Alienation.
Please click on the link below to their website to find out more about the work that they do and to learn more about the condition of parental alienation. It is more common than most people realise. If you know of any parent that is doing this to a child please speak up for that child. This is child abuse and all children in danger need a voice to defend them.
I will update this post regularly and let you know how Eloise is going. If anybody has any questions about my story please leave a comment and I will try to answer you as best I can.
Thank you,

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