My name is Robert. I am a 43 year old veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom. I live in Indianapolis and work with nonprofits. For privacy I will refer to my son as EW. He is a 10yr old Samoan adoptee.
I met EW's mother about 14 months after she adopted him. He had just turned 6. I immediately moved in with her and took over the role of being his father. It took some warming up but we got there and we are extremely close. We both enjoy video game and Brazilian Jiujitsu. This past April he decided that for my birthday he would take my last name. Later that month his mother and I separated. We also have a dog that is in my possession. I moved out and have only gotten to see him for a couple of hours on Thursday nights while she works. He has basically quit jiujitsu because he does not want our few hours together to be wasted driving across town. I currently still provide support for him (insurance, clothes, activities) and am willing to enter a formal child support agreement. She has indicated that she is willing to allow me to see him at times but refuses to move forward with a formal visitation agreement.
The money is for me to hire an attorney to petition the court for visitation under the stepparent guidelines. Indiana courts are often friendly to step parents if they can prove standing and demonstrate a beneficial relationship with the child. Unfortunately she has stolen my savings and all of my other funds have been exhuasted moving and furnishing a new place to live.
I am asking for your help. I need to come up with $2500 this month to secure an attorney to file a petition with the court. Our final date is August 23 so I am short on time. I am optimistic that if I have an advocate in the court with me she will decide to mediate. Right now she just has no incentive because she knows I am temporarily financially tapped. I know that she wants what's best for him and she knows this is right. The problem is that she is still currently focused on the hurt of the marriage ending and not focused on moving forward. Help me give her a nudge to do the right thing.
I will also commit that any funds that are remaining will be re-donated to a cause on this site in addition to my personal contribution once I am financially able in a few months.
Thank you for your consideration. 

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