My name is Jonathan Wells, I am 24 years old, I am currently going back school to finish my college degree in Fire Science/EMS, I was recently staying with one of my co-workers until I could get back on my feet, in the process of me staying with this co-worker, I found out that her husband is a psyhco, and also a total drunk, within the last month and a half, everything has gone out of proportion, and I decided to get another job to get out of the situation I had put myself in, in the meantime, her husband would just go off on me for no reason, and would also yell at her for no reason as well. In the last two weeks he has been verbally abusive towards me, and his wife, well when things hit the fan, he decided to go off on me (as in yelling), and he hit me in the face, I Jonathan Wells had to go to the hospital to get checked out, after I got back to the house around 3am he started to provoke an argument with me as I was on my way down the hall, I then shut, and then locked my door to where he could not go in my room to physically hurt me again, that very next day he decided to start more arguments with me, I told him I would not put up with him yelling, and nor would I have put up with him hitting me, while I was sitting on the couch in the living room he started his arguing with his wife and I, while I was waiting on my ride to pick me up, that way I would not get hit in the face again since he had been drinking two 750l Jack Daniel’s and that whole process I went to my room to get my knife, to defend myself just incase he intended to come at me as in physically to hurt me or his wife, I didn’t pull the knife out on him at all. So the cops where called he told the police that I had pulled the knife out on him, and had me arrested, they police charged me with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
If I am found guilty I could face up to five years in prison, as well as multiple fines that I cannot afford, please I am asking help from everyone that can help me stay FREE!!

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