My name is Bryan and I am an executive recruiter and trainer of sales account managers for a business to business company. I have battled with mental illness and depression for several years, at least diagnosed for several years, and personal high levels of stress greatly affects and impacts me negatively. This current situation has compounded my stress levels immensely and has negatively affected my monthly income.
I have been married to someone for just under a year and almost nothing I believed a year ago is true today. I chalk it up to a life lesson but I also realize how easy it is for another person to be deceptive and then successful allege wrongdoing and then I am left to deal and manage it.
My depression and ongoing stress does not help and I would like to focus on what I do and do it well at my job and know that this legal situation is the hands of a competent and knowledgeable attorney.
If you have ever dealt with depression or with a loved one who has you know just how taxing this can be with just normal daily living let alone an additional stress like this.
I am extremely grateful for your kindness and any donation you can make. Thank you for your prayers and good thoughts being sent my way in the weeks ahead. 

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