Hi, I am Kristy Miller, seeking financial help for my daughter Daynia Jarvis.
Daynia gave birth to her daughter 7 yrs ago. From that point on, she provided all of the necessary things for her daughter without any financial, physical or emotional help from the father. Forced visitation, countless broken promises and numerous court filings to enforce his responsibility as the father to no avail. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months with no father daughter interaction. The financial burden of supporting her daughter with the cost of living on the Central Coast of California became too much to bare. She decided to explore a region in NW ARKANSAS. Upon doing so, the people who were caring for her daughter, without regard for Daynia's plight, forced the father to file an emergency custody order claiming abandonment. I had to fly her back immediately to appear before a judge to regain custody of her daughter. Upon careful consideration, Daynia decided that relocating would be in the best interest of her family. Opportunity, schooling, cost of living, special programs for her son with special needs and the ability to provide a better life for her family. A move away order was filed and then denied. During this time period, her husband and son had to drive back to California to support her. Weeks turned into months, and still no progress. The presiding judge refused to look at the enormous amount of evidence that clearly painted a picture that proved the father had little to no commitment to his daughter's upbringing. The judge granted custody to the father because Daynia wanted to relocate to a place for the betterment of her family. Since being here in Arkansas, she has made the trip back to California several times. An arrangement was made between the two parents to allow their daughter to come to Arkansas for the summer. While she was here she expressed her desire to stay with her mother countless times. Daynia even tried to settle this outside of court but without any luck. She had to return her daughter to a place she didn't want to be. Due to others caring for her in the absence of her father daily. A return trip is next month, my daughter has sold everything she could to afford the previous trips. Until this comes to an end, she won't be able to pursue the life she dreams of for herself and her family. Her boyfriend has worked while here to afford the necessities but he can't put both feet on the ground until this concludes. He has to travel with Daynia because they have a son with special needs and an infant to care for. Daynia is a great mother to her children and deserves to have her daughter with her. This money would afford her the ability to hire an attorney that could prove once and for all, in the best interests of the 7 yr old, that being with her Mommy is where she will have the best foundation provided to grow and flourish. Please don't let the courts continue this ridiculous separation between mother and daughter. The trial is next month, I can only pray for help. If I were financially privileged, I wouldn't be here. I am available for any questions if you have doubts about this plight. All we ever want is for our children to succeed in life. Not having to fight for the right to raise your daughter. My email is playwthme63@gmail.com, I will respond immediately if you have any concerns.

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