Well when you think things couldn't get any worse. We started this company in 2009 with the dream of building a brand that would support all those unforeseen little Beasts out there trying to make a name for themselves in the action sports world, but can’t afford the tools to showcase their talent. We produced our first performance energy drink in April 2014, and ran a second production run in Sept 2015. The company was moving forward and things seemed to be coming together up until my wife was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer in April 2016. Since then the company has had to focus on our loved one and the expenses that come with treatment. Our goal was to get her strong again and continue building our dream of being business entrepreneurs and come out swinging in 2017. Unfortunately, this year Monster Energy, known as the Bully to small businesses, has decided after 7 years that my trademarked name is an infringement to their brand. One would think that through the trademark process they should have filed an opposition against the trademark back in 2009 and not after I’ve built a business. You can go to this sight and look at how many dreams they have crushed! I have posted my complaint from Monster on my website under the tab BeastUp -vs- Monster. Read for yourself how ridiculous this is…
We have the best attorneys behind us for this battle and will use the money raised to battle these bullies! I will be filling a countersuit for court cost. If awarded I promise to all of you that donate I will repay you :)
For those that don’t know me, I am a full time Fire Captain for Cal Fire in Northern California. I am a veteran that served this country in the US ARMY with the 82nd Airborne Division and have always put others before myself. I need your help to stop the madness that Monster Energy is putting on small businesses and share this case with all your friends.
I want Monster to know that thumbing down their competition with the power of money is weak and unfair to the American dreamer!
We are the new Beast!

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