My name is Tamara Sanders. My family was left in a state of devastation when my husband abandoned my two youngest daughters and myself on 5/14/14. Leaving while I was at work & the girls were at school (without warning). He took his last two paychecks and emptied out his 401k. He quit his job & moved back home (Missouri), leaving me with ALL of the bills behind, NO health insurance, NO financial support and NO money. His family INSTANTLY disowned my daughters because he is now dating his step-sister (his mother married his ex-girlfriend's father). So there has been no type of support/communication from them as well. The house flooded 3 weeks later, forcing me to move after borrowing enough to catch up all the bills. After begging, he has maybe sent $150.00 (sporadically/collectively) in the 3 years he's been gone. I had to file Chapter 13 to avoid garnishments as I lost my job 7 months later. My husband waited until after our last daughter graduated (May 2017) to file for a "Un-Contested Divorce w/out Children" (June 2017) without my knowledge to avoid Child Support. With a court date of 8/29/2017, his attorney has/will not serve me so that I can respond. Without my response, he gets away with COMPLETE ABANDONMENT without consequence. I live in Atlanta but he filed in Missouri to make things difficult for me. Knowing that I cannot financially afford to fight (flights/gas, hotel, food, time off work, attorney's fees, etc.), he is purposely trying to keep me from appearing to win a Default Judgement. But I MUST appear.
The funds needed are for the attorney to fight for financial support, health insurance for our daughter Tamia through college (or age 22 - Missouri Law). Also counseling for myself and the girls to address the anger/abandonment issues and emotional abuse that we have been forced to live with.
Please contribute and share this campaign as much as possible. I want my girls to know that the law does not condone this behavior and that they are not alone. Thank you in advance for all of your support!

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